Discon 2024 Agenda

DISTRICT 6380 Conference Agenda (UPDATED)
WHEN:    May 17 - May 19, 2024
WHERE:  Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
DRESS:  Business casual

Friday Night, May 17:   University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA) 525 S State St Ann Arbor, MI 48108

5:30–6:30 PM  Social Gathering, Meet our Members (ample hors d’oeuvres, as well as wine and beer) 
We will enter the main entrance (no steps involved) then check in at table. We will then go up the stairs (there is also an elevator) to the main foyer.

6:30 PM Welcome and Congratulations on Creating Hope in the World- 2023-2024!! 
Opening Remarks- Col Smith, District Governor for District 6380

6:40 PM How Can Art Create Hope in the World- a fun and engaging way to appreciate art.

8:30 PM Conclude and get ready for tomorrow!

Saturday, May 18: University of Michigan Student Union (across the street from the Art Museum-  530 South State Street Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Please note- U of M has ramps and elevators. We will be in the BALLROOM:

7:30-8:30 AM Club Hub Set Up (for those that are participating) Please note: Those members coming from long distances can set up at our first break around 10:50 AM.

8:30-9:00 AM Breakfast (rolls, juices coffee)

9:00 AM Opening Ceremonies

9:15 AM Welcome/ Ringing of the Bell-President Mark Foster, Rotary Club of Ann Arbor

9:20 AM President Mark Foster introduces DG Col Smith, District Governor 6380

9:25 AM District Governor Col Smith- Welcome: Creating Hope Through Our Youth Programs

9:30 AM Youth Exchange- District Chair Pattie Courtney and very special guests, our YE students 
Our very special Youth Exchange Students will share their experiences and how our YE Rotary program made an impact on them.

9:55 AM Rotary Youth Leadership- District Chair Kristina Schofer and very special guests from our recent RYLA program
High school students from around our District will share their experiences and how our RYLA program made an impact on them.

10:20- 10:45 AM Interact- Very Special Guests- Interact President Sarah Ketchum, of the Howell Interact Club, and Interact President Adarsh Nadgir, of the Skyline (Ann Arbor North) Interact Club 
Joining Interact Presidents Sarah and Adarsh will be members of their respective clubs to share their experience with Interact Day in Brighton, Michigan, and their projects they have worked on (successes and challenges). Interact President Adarsh will share why they wanted to set up an Interact Club and how they went about getting support from students, a faculty sponsor, and Ann Arbor Rotary North. Please note- we will be having a Youth Programs table at our Club Hub for those that want to learn more from our Youth leaders.

10:45- 11:15 Rochester Rotary Club- How to make Youth Programs Work
Rochester Rotary has had great success in Youth Programs- having their 3 Interact Clubs raise $75,000 for Shelter Box, a very successful Youth Exchange Program, and sending many students to our recent Rotary Youth Leadership. Let’s learn How they do it. 

11:15-12:15 PM Club Hub/ Break- Anderson Room- one floor down
Enjoy fellowship, meet new friends, and check out the projects/programs of our fellow Rotarians in the Anderson Room- one floor down from the Ballroom. 

12:15-1:00 PM Lunch- yes- back up to the Ballroom for lunch

1:00-2:00 PM Keynote Speaker- Leadership 
Dr. Steven P. Bucci, Colonel, U.S. Army Special Forces (ret.) Dr. Bucci, has had an incredible career in the military, and then made a very successful transition to the private sector. He will share why the importance of service and leadership during youth- plays such an important role for the future. As Rotarians- how can we do better to mentor and provide wonderful leadership opportunities for our youth?

2:15-3:15 PM Keynote Speaker- Leadership/Technology Dr. Brown is a former GM Executive and is the retired Vice President & Chief Technologist for Delphi Automotive Systems. 
Dr. Andrew Brown, Jr., serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Center of Automative Research in Ann Arbor. He is a former GM Executive and is the retired Vice President and Chief Technologist for Delphi Automotive Systems. Whether our youth finds passion in an automotive career or just enjoys the fun of driving electric vehicles or hybrids- the developing technology will shape and impact their lives.

3:30-4:20 PM Keynote Speakers on Mental Health

  1. Larry Kenemore, Rotary Club of Arkansas and retired paramedic. Larry is the Representative to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime Special Consultative Status. This Rotary Group is the only one to have status at the UN, other than Rotary International. Larry is the Rotary Action Group Addiction Prevention- North America Task Force Leader.

  2. Steve Ahles, Rotary Club of Southgate and retired Fire Chief. Steve is currently Board member of Rotary Action Group-Addiction Prevention North America. Please note- Both Larry and Steve were written up in the January issue of our Rotary Magazine with the cover:  The Race To Save Lives. 

  3. Connie Conklin, Rotary Club of Livingston Sunrise, Executive Director for Livingston County Community Mental Health. I had the pleasure of participating in a zoom call with Connie, and Superintendent Dr. Michael Hubert for Livingston County. Let’s learn what Livingston County and their school district are doing for our youth.

  4. Nicolette Geff, LMSW, EDS has worked in the schools for 25 years. As the Mental Health Coordinator for Livingston Educational Service Agency, she works specifically with both local district teams and community agencies to support, coordinate, and enhance behavioral health programming in the school environment.

4:20- 4:35 PM Special Awards
We have some very special awards to recognize individuals in Rotary District 6380

4:35-6:40 PM Club Hub and Social Time! Anderson Room (One Floor Down) Cash Bar 
Come enjoy fellowship, meet new friends, and learn what our Clubs are doing as we Create Hope in the World!

7:00 PM Dinner:  Ballroom

8:00- 9:00 PM Entertainment- Wine, Women and Song!!

Sunday, May 19: Student Union Ballroom

8:30-9:00 AM Breakfast

9:00-9:10 AM Celebration of Life- those we have lost this year.

9:10-9:30 AM Awards DGE Sharna Hatcher and DG Collyer Smith | Special Award/Grants for Creating Hope in the World- DGE Sharna Hatcher

9:30-10:00 AM Rotary International Board of Trustee Marty Helman- Peace Centers

10:00-11:30 AM FOUNDATION CELEBRATION!!!!!  Joe Bauman- Foundation Chair

11:30 AM Closing Comments and Box lunch

Sat and Sunday will be at the newly $87 million dollar renovation--Michigan Student Union Building!
You don't want to miss it!


Discon 2024 Agenda 2029-10-10 04:00:00Z 0
RC of West Bloomfield Putt for Polio Event! March 9, 2025 2025-02-08 05:00:00Z 0
PRE-PELS/PETS REGISTRATION OPEN TODAY! 3 Dates to choose from! 2025-02-03 05:00:00Z 0
Registration Open! Great Lakes PELS 2025-01-30 05:00:00Z 0
Join us for the District 6380 Open Forum! 2025-01-28 05:00:00Z 0
MARCH 28: Take Action for Peace - Conversation on Guns in our Society 2025-01-19 05:00:00Z 0
Save the Date for RYLA (May 2 - 4, 2025) - Registration Open 2025-01-16 05:00:00Z 0
JAN 28th VIRTUAL EVENT - RI President Stephanie Urchick Sharing the Magic of Rotary 2025-01-13 05:00:00Z 0
ROTARY CONNECTS: District 6380 Open Forum (Zoom) 2024-12-16 05:00:00Z 0
SUN, DEC 15th: PINK on PURPLE Event Conversations with Survivors 2024-12-10 05:00:00Z 0
GIVING TUESDAY - Let's Show the Magic of Rotary! 2024-12-02 05:00:00Z 0
Celebrating our District 6380 Changemakers! 2024-11-26 05:00:00Z 0
Join us for A Rotary Foundation Celebration and Change Maker Awards Dinner! 2024-11-06 05:00:00Z 0
CALLING ALL DISTRICT MEMBERS! Join the Rotary Zone Recap - ZOOM 2024-10-19 04:00:00Z 0
NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION - November 9th, 2024 2024-10-13 04:00:00Z 0
Lake Orion Sunrise 11th Annual Golf Outing 2024-10-13 04:00:00Z 0

Mount Clemens Rotary is Raising Money for Guatemalan villages!

The Mount Clemens Rotary Club is preparing for an event that raises money for a water project helping people in Guatemalan villages.

The Mount Clemens Rotary 5K Run/Walk is Saturday, Oct. 19 in downtown Mount Clemens at The Rec Bowl, 40 Crocker Blvd.,
starting at 9 a.m. Check-in is at 8 a.m.

Rotarians demonstrate that they are “People of Action.”

Club president Kathleen Best and club secretary Stephanie Mirabile visited Guatemala to get updates on the water project.

“The fundraising efforts from our club helped provide running water to the city and school of San Andreas, in the highlands of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala,” Mirabile said. “Three small towns, that make up the city of San Andreas, have already come together and spent roughly $55,000 of their own money to install water and plumbing hookups into local homes, as well as bathrooms and sanitation stations in the local school.

Read the FULL ARTICLE by Macomb Daily

Mount Clemens Rotary is Raising Money for Guatemalan villages! 2024-10-07 04:00:00Z 0
OCT 23 - PUMPKINS FOR POLIO 2024-09-19 04:00:00Z 0
RC of Clarkston Wine & Whiskey Fundraiser - Oct. 24, 2024 2024-09-10 04:00:00Z 0
REGISTER TODAY: 6380 Foundation Celebration Dinner & Changemaker Awards 2024-09-06 04:00:00Z 0

Basic Education and Literacy Month

FROM: DG Sharna Hatcher
Basic Education and Literacy month brings a vast array of opportunities to Increase our Impact, Expand our Reach, Enhance Participant Engagement and Increase our Ability to Adapt. These four pillars of the Rotary Action Plan remind us that as we support basic education and literacy in local and global communities, we increase our impact by fostering opportunities for lifelong learning. Whether it’s donating books and computers, building schools, honoring the most improved students, or creating teacher training programs, Rotarians are making measurable and impactful change.
Basic Education and Literacy Month 2024-09-06 04:00:00Z 0

Thank You from District Governor Sharna Hatcher

A World of Rotary Thanks to all who made our Meet the Governor event a wonderful
afternoon of fellowship and fun. Collaboration is the essence of the Magic of Rotary.

The welcoming drumbeats, the laughter of reacquaintance, the greetings of friends old
and new, the heartwarming stories of local and global service in action, and the congratulatory cheers for our newly installed District team are all memorable moments of a truly successful kick-off to this year in which we will celebrate the Magic of Rotary.

Special thanks to our committee of dedicated Rotarians who represented Clubs across the District in collaborating on this event. (Anchor Bay, Ann Arbor, Auburn Hills, Brighton, Chatham, Clarkston, Highway M-36, Livingston Sunrise, Lyon Area, Milford, Novi, Pontiac, Ridgetown, Saline, Troy, Waterford, and West Bloomfield).

Special Thanks to our Friends of Rotary, our Event Sponsors, and our Event Vendors who contributed time, talent, treasure, and goodwill.

Thank you to everyone for Creating, Bringing, and Sharing the Magic of Rotary,
Sharna Hatcher
District Governor
Please enjoy more pictures by clicking on the read more.
Thank You from District Governor Sharna Hatcher 2024-09-02 04:00:00Z 0
MEET THE GOVERNOR - August 11 2024-07-09 04:00:00Z 0
Happy New Rotary Year! 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Northrup Award Celebration of Dr Robert H Gilman

May 8th was a great day to be a Rotarian as RCAA presented the 2024 Robert S. Northrup Humanitarian Award to Dr. Robert H. Gilman MD, DMD, for leading 24 medical missions to Cartagena, Colombia to care for the children afflicted with pediatric deformities.
Northrup Award Celebration of Dr Robert H Gilman Karen Gladney 2024-05-20 04:00:00Z 0

Resources and District Committees Updates

Please take a moment to check out the new and improved section for the District 6380 Peace Committee. 
Your district committees are working towards improving and updating their sections, much like the Polio committee did last Rotary year.
Your district resources are also being updated. You will find important info on public image and rotary branding, as well as the informational presentations from the most recent District Assembly. 
Resources and District Committees Updates 2024-05-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Ann Arbor announces 2024 Robert S Northrup Humanitarian Award

The RCAA ARC and Peace Committee is pleased to announce that the 2024 Robert S Northrup Humanitarian Award will be presented at the RCAA meeting on May 8, 2024. The Selection Committee had very qualified nominees from all over the District. The nominee chosen by the Selection Committee is Robert H Gilman, MD DMD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery, Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, Michigan. His nomination was submitted by Greg Stejskal and Bev Seiford.
Rotary Club of Ann Arbor announces 2024 Robert S Northrup Humanitarian Award 2024-04-30 04:00:00Z 0
Birmingham Rotary Celebrates 100 Years! 2024-04-22 04:00:00Z 0
Taking Action for Peace Upcoming Event 2024-03-05 05:00:00Z 0
Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of RC of Howell! 2024-03-05 05:00:00Z 0

2024 Northrup Humanitarian Award - Nominations DUE MARCH 15th!

Nominations are now open for the 2024 Northrup Humanitarian Award. In 2018, the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor established the Northrup Award. The award is presented to an individual/s who has made a long-term sustainable contribution to humanitarian efforts in local, national or international arenas
The service provided should be personal, not just an administrative contribution. Nominations may be submitted by members of the community as well as Rotarians. Nominations are just one page in length and easy to complete. Nominations will be reviewed by a Selection Committee composed of Rotarians and Community Leaders.
2024 Northrup Humanitarian Award - Nominations DUE MARCH 15th! 2024-03-03 05:00:00Z 0
Discon 2024 Speakers 2024-03-03 05:00:00Z 0

DISCON 2024 (May 17 - 19) | REGISTRATION OPEN!

Monday, February 19 - Registration is open for our Rotary District 6380 Conference- May 17, 18, and 19 in the top college/university city in the world. This detailed research is based on no other rationale, other than me living here since 1995. 

The Rotary Club of Ann Arbor welcomes you all!
WHEN:    May 17 - May 19, 2024
WHERE:  Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
AGENDA (click link to view)
Price After March 31 
Full Package                           $299
(Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Saturday Only (Adult)             $199 
Saturday Only (Student)         $75 
CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS (click flyers to view) 

For hotel accommodations - click the "Read More" for more info! 
DISCON 2024 (May 17 - 19) | REGISTRATION OPEN! 2024-02-13 05:00:00Z 0
SAVE THE DATE - District Conference May 17-19 2024-02-05 05:00:00Z 0
Upcoming Events for Presidents-Elect 2024-01-28 05:00:00Z 0
REGISTRATION OPEN - RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) 2024 2023-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

Great Lakes Rotary PETS - Registration is OPEN!

2024 Great Lakes Rotary PETS | March 14 to 16 

REGISTRATION FOR 2024 GLRPETS ​opens December 1, 2023
Early Registration $275 | December 1, 2023 to January 31, 2024
Registration $300 | February 1 to February 29, 2024
Late Registration $325 | March 1 to March 6, 2024
Registration Closes at 5 pm on March 6, 2024

Hotel reservations are extra - all hotel reservations must be made through GLRPETS
CLICK HERE for Registration Information
Great Lakes Rotary PETS - Registration is OPEN! 2023-12-15 05:00:00Z 0
Explore the "Food of Detroit" With Bloomfield Hills Rotary Club on Nov 30th! 2023-11-21 05:00:00Z 0
Multi-District Membership Summit 2023-11-06 05:00:00Z 0
Livingston Twilight Rotary presents THREE MEN and a TENOR - December 2, 2023 2023-10-24 04:00:00Z 0
Spread The Word! District 6380 INTERACT DAY November 11th! 2023-10-24 04:00:00Z 0
District 6380 DEIJ Committee Presents: The Four Layers of Diversity 2023-10-17 04:00:00Z 0

WE LOVE ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE!! Hats off to Rochester Rotary Club!

I'm excited to report the outstanding efforts of Rochester Rotary Club's own David Archbold and Tom Neveau in promoting our D6380 Youth Exchange Program in the Rochester schools and community. Multiple media, email and in-person Q&A opportunities were made available. With great response! Kudos and thank you for all your efforts. IS YOUR CLUB ENGAGED IN YOUTH EXCHANGE? BE A PART OF THIS IMPORTANT MOVEMENT IN BUILDING PEACE, FUTURE LEADERS AND ROTARIANS! Contact Pattie Courtney (Livingston Sunrise Rotary Club) pcjohn15@yahoo.com
WE LOVE ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE!! Hats off to Rochester Rotary Club! 2023-10-02 04:00:00Z 0

Chelsea Chelsea Rotary Club Presents "We Can Be Heroes"

The epidemic of addiction and overdose is the number one health crisis affecting this country today. Deaths caused by opioid overdoses increased 28% in Washtenaw County between 2020 and 2021, according to the Washtenaw County Health Department. The first steps in addressing this crisis are to recognize that it affects all of us and the need to work together to remove the stigma attached to addiction.

Chelsea Rotary Club is taking an active role in addressing mental health challenges and their impact on substance abuse disorder. On November 9, at 7 pm, the Chelsea Rotary Club is hosting a must-see event in the Chelsea High School Auditorium (740 N. Freer Road,Chelsea, MI 48118) around a free screening of the documentary We Can Be Heroes (WCBH). This presentation is an opportunity to learn and hear stories of the links between mental health and addiction. 

Chelsea Chelsea Rotary Club Presents "We Can Be Heroes" 2023-09-27 04:00:00Z 0
RC of Clarkston's Taste For The Holiday's! 2023-09-25 04:00:00Z 0

Together, let's crush the Stigma on Mental Health!

As I visit our Rotary Clubs, Rotary International President, Gordon McInally's theme of Create Hope In the World has truly resonated within all of us.
I am so very pleased to announce that Gordon will be joining us on a very special Mental Health Webinar:
Rotarians- Make a Difference on Mental Health 
This webinar event will take place on October 10th from 7:00-8:30 PM ET. Registration and details are attached.
Please Invite friends, guests, Interactors, Rotaractors, fellow Rotarians to attend! The participants are at the very highest level of their professions.
I would like to thank my colleague, District Governor Tina Chapman, from the great state of Maine, for making this webinar possible. AS you will see- this event will cover many, many Districts throughout the world. I hope we can have great representation.
Together, let's crush the Stigma on Mental Health-
PS- One of the panelists will hopefully look very familiar to you!
Collyer A. Smith
Engaged Community Member
Rotary 6380 District Governor 2023-2024
SE Michigan and SW Ontario, CA
cell:  734-545-0644
Link to PDF Flyer to Share | Link to PPT Presentation 
Together, let's crush the Stigma on Mental Health! 2023-09-07 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Exchange is Back!

story thumbnail

For the first time in 4 years, the Central States Rotary Youth Exchange Conference and Jamboree was held at Calvin University in Grand Rapids.  Students and Rotary Exchange volunteers from 20 different districts gathered for one last training weekend filled with fun, inspiration and teaching.  

Rotary Youth Exchange is Back! 2023-07-22 04:00:00Z 0
Peace Committee: Beyond Their Stories 2023-07-17 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Chatham donates $250,000 to the Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent

The Rotary Club of Chatham is thrilled to present a cheque for $250,000 in support of the
Children’s Treatment Centre (CTC) Butterfly building campaign.President Jennifer Hill emphasized the importance of giving back to the community and supporting local children has always been a cornerstone of the club. One in five children in Chatham-Kent currently access the services that the CTC provides.
Rotary Club of Chatham donates $250,000 to the Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent 2023-05-18 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Day of Service w/ RI President Jennifer Jones and More! 2023-05-15 04:00:00Z 0
Save The Date - July 13, 2023 - Meet The Governor 2023-05-12 04:00:00Z 0

2023 Robert S Northrup Award presented to Dr. Nelson Edwards

Posted on Apr 27, 2023
April 26 was a great day to be a Rotarian as RCAA presented the Robert S Northrup Humanitarian Award to Dr. Robert Nelson. Dr. Nelson was inspired to improve vision to people around the world, after visiting Haiti many years ago as an optometry student at Michigan College of Optometry.. He participated in an International trip with VOSH ( Voluntary Optometric Services to Humanity), a non-profit organization providing vision services to those who may not have the resources or access to vision care. Since that first visit, Dr. Nelson has made 50 trips with VOSH to Egypt, Kenya, Guatemala, Mexico, Dominica, Haiti, Peru, Latvia, St Lucia, Grenada, Panama, Jamaica, Wise, VA. and Detroit. After the Northrup Award presentation, Dr. Edwards shared his reflections about his work bringing better vision to many around the world. VOSH is an excellent resource to recruit optometrists for these vision clinics.
Dr. Nelson also recruits other professionals, Rotarians and volunteers to assist in the clinics. Many clinics see over 2000+ clients over 5 days. Services include eye exams, screening for eye conditions, and providing glasses to improve vision for all who attend. Dr. Nelson works with local Rotary Clubs in the country where the clinic is held. Local clubs arrange all the logistics for the clinic including location, advertising, necessary permits, and traffic flow through the clinic. Local clubs also provide follow-up to clients for glasses, medication, etc. Where possible, Dr. Edwards works with local Schools of Optometry, their faculty, and their students to increase the sustainability of the projects. Dr. Nelson also shared some photos and highlights of his clinic in Egypt, again working with local Rotary Clubs to bring these services to as many people as possible. Many of the Rotarian guests had participated in a vision clinic. Dr. Edwards has been a practicing optometrist for thirty years and is a Lieutenant Colonel, retired from the US Air Force. Dr. Edwards has been a Rotarian for 32 years. He is past president of the Fowlerville club, served as an Assistant Governor for District 6380 and he is currently a member of the Highway M 36 Rotary Club. Dr. Edwards truly demonstrates Service Above Self.
2023 Robert S Northrup Award presented to Dr. Nelson Edwards 2023-04-27 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Ridgetown Members Receive PolioPlus Society Pins

Posted on Apr 17, 2023
At its April 17, 2023 meeting, District 6380 Assistant District Governor Ken Corlett presented every member of the Ridgetown Rotary Club with both a certificate and a lapel pin recognizing them as members of District 6380’s PolioPlus Society. Ken noted that the Ridgetown club was the only club within District 6380’s 44 clubs that had 100% of its members donating to the PolioPlus Society. The purpose of the Society is to encourage Rotary members to give a minimum of $100 US a year to the PolioPlus fund until we achieve our goal of eradicating polio. Rotary International has been active in the elimination of polio worldwide for over 35 years and that eradication is so close to being complete. Rotary International volunteers have helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries. The number of polio cases has been reduced by 99.9 % worldwide. Of the 3 strains of wild poliovirus (type 1, type 2 and type 3), wild poliovirus type 2 was eradicated in 1999 and wild poliovirus type 3 was eradicated in 2020. As of 2022, endemic wild poliovirus type 1 remains in two countries:  Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Rotary Club of Ridgetown Members Receive PolioPlus Society Pins Cornelis (Kees) 'CASE' Boeters 2023-04-17 04:00:00Z 0

Visit Rotary Projects In Guatemala Summer 2023

Join us (Rotary Club of Ann Arbor) July 22 - 30 in Guatemala to visit Rotary International Humanitarian projects, Mayan Ruins and the UNESCO Heritage Site, Antigua, Guatemala. We will stay at the beautiful Jardines del Lago on lake Atitlan, visit Rotary projects, and more. The Rotary e-Club of lake Atitlan has arranged an optional volunteer activity to install a small solar system on a home that never had electricity. Contact John Barrie for more details. email: jsbarrie@gmail.com
Visit Rotary Projects In Guatemala Summer 2023 John Barrie 2023-03-28 04:00:00Z 0
Tragedy at MSU hits close to home for Clawson Rotarians 2023-02-17 05:00:00Z 0

Solicitation for Nominations

Solicitation for Nominations: Robert S. Northrup Humanitarian Award
In 2018, the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor created an award to be given annually to a person in
the area meeting the criteria outlined below in celebration of the exceptional humanitarian service provided by Ann Arbor Rotarian Dr. Robert S. Northrup.
Read more about it to nominate people you think would be great recipients! 
Solicitation for Nominations Kat Dooley 2023-02-08 05:00:00Z 0

Congratulations Wendy Jones DGND (District Governor 2025-26)

I am honored and pleased to share with you that the 2025-2026 District Governor Nominating Committee met this morning and chose Assistant Governor Wendy Jones of Anchor Bay as D6380 District Governor Nominee-Designee (DGND).  I thank the Nominating Committee for doing their due diligence in interviewing a good set of qualified candidates which made the Committee’s decision very tough.
Wendy Jones will hold the title of District Governor Nominee Designate (DGND) until July 1, when she will assume the title of District Governor Nominee (DGN). This announcement begins a 14-day period of publication for input and challenge prior to formal notice of Wendy Jones selection to Rotary International.
Wendy has served as President of Anchor Bay Rotary during 2020-21 and 2021-22. Her club received the RI Presidential Citation for both years she was the President. She was also the co-chair of the Ukraine Fundraiser which raised $16,000 and was donated to Shelter Box. At present, Wendy is the Assistant Governor for 2022-23 for Sector 7 which includes Auburn Hills, Pontiac, Clarkston and Waterford Rotary Clubs. Wendy serves as one of the Ambassadors for the upcoming District Conference planned for May 5 – 7, 2023.
Professionally, Wendy is a realtor of over 20 years in eastern Michigan.  She is also the liaison for Real Estate One Chesterfield Charitable Foundation, which gives her the opportunity to work within her communities and surrounding areas on fundraising for nonprofit organizations. Wendy has worked and volunteered in her community  since 1985 for many organizations and has received the Anchor Bay Chamber of Commerce Gold Medal Award. She served as a board of director and ambassador for the Chamber of Commerce for several years as well as served on the community board for over 14 years. She also serves on Chesterfield Township Zoning Board of Appeals since 2014 and Board of Review since 2010.
Please join me in congratulating Wendy Jones.
Your Servant in Rotary
Bala Murthy
Imagine Rotary With the Joy of Service and Giving
District Governor 2022-23, RID 6380
President, Rotary International Travel & Hosting (ITHF) Fellowship
Imm. Past Chairman, Rotary Yoga & Meditation Fellowship
Ph: 248-930-1792
Happiness is when what you think, what you say. and what you do are in harmony. MK Gandhi
The ultimate source of happiness is within us. Dalai Lama 


Congratulations Wendy Jones DGND (District Governor 2025-26) Bala Murthy 2023-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Egypt Eye Care Trip

Highway M-36, Motorcycling Rotarians, Bleinuim, Ann Arbor North, Livingston Sunrise, Clarkston, and Lyon Area traveled to Egypt to help provide much-needed eye care. Click to read more! 
Egypt Eye Care Trip 2022-11-30 05:00:00Z 0
Ann Arbor Clubs Combine to help SEND HUNGER PACKING! 2022-11-30 05:00:00Z 0

Clarkston Rotary Shoes for Kids

On November 4 and 5 the Rotary Club of Clarkston will again be seen on the streets and stores of Clarkston “selling” their Clarkston Rotary
newspaper, which describes the activities of their club over the past year.
Clarkston Rotary Shoes for Kids Mary Sloan 2022-11-04 04:00:00Z 0

One Rotary Summit Sept 17, 2022

On Saturday, D6380 hosted the One Rotary Summit which was well attended by Rotarians across many, many clubs. District Trainer (DT) and PDG Karen Gabrys moderated a panel discussions which included District Foundation Chair (DRFC) Ashish Sarkar, District Membership Chair (DMC) Roma Murthy and District Public Image Chair (DPIC) Kat Dooley.
One Rotary Summit Sept 17, 2022 2022-09-21 04:00:00Z 0

Imagine Rotary - A message from District Governor Bala

Heartiest and Happiest New Rotary Year to all our Rotary Family and “Team - Imagine Rotary” as we begin our “Effectiveness to Greatness” journey. We will “Imagine Rotary In Our Joy of Service and Giving” throughout 2022-23. 
Each of our Club Presidents, Assistant Governors, District Chairs and their teams are excited to lead our Rotarians and bring all families together in our quest to serve our communities. 
All our events will be family centric and involve having lots and lots of fun while enjoying fellowship and working together.
Please watch this 3 minute video on our onward journey together. 
Let the fun and service begin! 👏😎🙏👍
Imagine Rotary - A message from District Governor Bala 2022-07-01 04:00:00Z 0
Big House 5K Run — RCAA/HireMIVet Volunteers. Eric Tindall 2022-05-05 04:00:00Z 0 Big House 5K Run,HIREMIVET,Rotary Club of Ann Arbor
Northrup Humanitarian Awardees Share Inspiring Stories'. Eric Tindall 2022-05-05 04:00:00Z 0 Robert S Northrup Humanitarian Award,Rotary Club of Ann Arbor
Rotary Road Waste Warriors Take Out The Trash On Sat, Apr 23, 2022. Eric Tindall 2022-05-05 04:00:00Z 0 Adopt-A-Road Program,Rotary Club of Ann Arbor

Rotary Club of Saline Maple Road Spring Clean-up.

Posted on Apr 24, 2022
Pictured are some of the Rotary Club of Saline crew as well as members and leaders of Boy Scout Troop 446, Saline, Michigan, who are sponsored by the Club. 
The group picked up litter along a two mile stretch of Maple Road from Textile Road to Ellsworth Road, one of the gateways to Saline, on April 23, 2021. 
The club has now completed its third clean-up of the 2021/2022 Rotary fiscal year under the auspices of the Washtenaw County Road Commission Adopt-A-Road program!
Click photo to see more information about Adopt-A-Road.

Rotary Club of Saline Maple Road Spring Clean-up.  Eric Tindall 2022-04-24 04:00:00Z 0 Adopt-A-Road Program,Rotary Club of Saline

Rotary District 6380 Environmental Day Event 2022.

Posted on Apr 23, 2022
On April 23, 2022, the Rotary District 6380 celebrated Earth Day by having an Environmental Workday at Vestergaard Farms located at 4408 S. Wagner Rd. Ann Arbor.
Scott Nelson talked about Rotary's new seventh Area of Focus Environmental and a project he participates in called Plant Based Diet.
Max Vestergaard talked about the Vestergaard Farm. It is a family run farm which practices pasture-based farming with rotational grazing, prioritizing the well-being of our livestock. Their animals are raised humanely, sustainably and processed locally.
​T.C. Collins then talked about Willow Run Acres and how he started his organization. Willow Run Acres offers educational/gardening classes for all skills/age levels, garden safety classes, yearly Potato Day Programs, food distribution, service the community with weekly/monthly clean-up sessions, gardening wellness sites, role modeling/mentor opportunities, and other community engagements.
After the three talked the group went out to T.C. 's gardening beds and the Rotarian's wedded, mulched and moved beds.
The day ended with a lunch with Jimmy Jone's Sandwich's, chips and cookies. 
Scott Nelson (Rotary club of Ann Arbor North), T.C. Collins (Willow Run Acres) and Max Vestergaard (Vestergaard Farm and Market).
Rotary District 6380 Environmental Day Event 2022. Eric Tindall 2022-04-23 04:00:00Z 0 Environmental Day 2022,Max Vestergaard,T.C. Collins,Vestergaard Farms,Willow Run Acres
Rotary District 6380 Environmental Day 2022 On April 23rd. Eric Tindall 2022-04-23 04:00:00Z 0 Environmental Day 2022,Max Vestergaard,T.C. Collins,Vistergaard Farms,Willow Run Acres

Roll Out Of The Rachel System.

Posted on Apr 22, 2022
This week Rotary is rolling out Rachel systems to 15 schools in Soloma and Barillas Guatemala. This includes teaching the teachers.
4 schools of Barillas received their respective Rachel Library on April 21, 2022. This tool is equivalent to having 1 terabyte of info available. Or whatever it is we could print 1 million books coming on this library's hard drive.
For Rotary District 6380's connection to Rachel Systems contact Peter Tanner of Chatham Rotary Club.
Click photo for Facebook post.

Roll Out Of The Rachel System. Eric Tindall 2022-04-22 04:00:00Z 0 Rachel Systems,Soloma and Barillas Guatemala

Monica Van Overmeer, Rotary Club of Saline Receives Saline Citizen of the Year Award.

Posted on Apr 17, 2022
At its April 14, 2022 33rd Annual Saline Salutes awards ceremony and dinner, the Saline Area Chamber of Commerce awarded Monica Van Overmeer its Citizen of the Year Award.  Eleven Rotary Club of Saline members attended the ceremony and dinner in support of Monica.
Click photo for story from the Saline Salutes event
from Saline Area Chamber of Commerce.

Monica Van Overmeer, Rotary Club of Saline Receives Saline Citizen of the Year Award. Eric Tindall 2022-04-17 04:00:00Z 0 Monica Van Overmeer,Rotary Club of Saline
The Rotary Club of Saline Joins the Saline Parks & Recreation's Springfest Hippity Hop Trail. Eric Tindall 2022-04-17 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary Club of Saline,Saline Post
Rotary Club of Chatham Raise Money For Shelter Box Canada. Eric Tindall 2022-04-13 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary Club of Chatham
Painting With A Twist With Novi Rotary. Eric Tindall 2022-04-04 04:00:00Z 0 Painting With A Twist,Rotary Club of Novi

Rotary Response To The Ukraine Crisis & How You Can Donate. 

Posted on Apr 03, 2022
Latest Update From The District On The Ukraine Crisis:
On April 19, 2022 our District Governor, Brenda Tipton, called a special Finance Committee meeting to review our efforts in the Ukraine relief.
What we know:
  • A shelter with several thousand people, mostly children and women in Mariupol destroyed. This building was marked “children” in Russian language. Still do not know how many perished
  • Major cities including Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa and now western city of Lviv are being constantly bombarded from open skies ending in a lot of injuries and death.
  • The authorities are opening orphanages within Ukraine for the children.
  • Desperately needed medicines and medical supplies needed in hospitals to take care of the injured.
  • There is scarcity of food and other essential supplies.
Over five million refugees have escaped to other countries, but Ukraine is a country of almost forty-four million. So, thirty-nine million people are still in Ukraine without any hope for the future. They need direct help from us.
Our District Rotary Foundation Chair, Ashish Sarkar, coordinated with the Foundation Committee, to donate $8,000 in direct relief for Ukraine. In addition, Governor Tipton asked our Finance Committee to review how they too can donate to Ukraine. After much review and due diligence, the Finance Committee voted unanimously to donate $24,000 in relief in our Ukraine efforts.
The total amount approved by District 6380 is $42,000 in relief which will provide direct aid to Ukraine. 
This donation is part of a District effort and adds to the amazing efforts and personal donations already given from many Rotarians, the clubs and others to the Ukraine Disaster Fund as well as Shelter Box.
In addition, District 6380 is finalizing plans for Rotary International General Secretary/CEO John Hewko as guest speaker at our Rotary 6380 District Conference - It's All About The Clubs!, on May 21, 2022 at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi. John’s Dad was a member of the Clarkston Rotary Club and was key to the creation of the first Rotary club in Ukraine. In addition to his Rotary International duties, John is a member of the Rotary Club of Ukraine.
From John Hewko: A webinar on welcoming families from Afghanistan and Ukraine to the United States:
Rotary International would like to invite you to an informational webinar regarding the welcoming process for families and people who are coming to the United States from Afghanistan and Ukraine. The webinar will include the following: 
  • Orientation to the Welcome.US platform. Rotary has partnered with Welcome.US, a new national initiative built to inspire, mobilize, and empower Americans from all corners of the country to welcome and support those seeking refuge in the United States. The platform provides direct service opportunities to donate housing, airline miles, and supplies; serve as a welcomer to new community members; and directly sponsor Ukrainians. 
  • Presentation of Rotary resources available to Rotary members to assist their efforts, including information on the disaster response funding mechanism. Regional Grants Officers will be available to answer questions.  
  • Discussion with members of the Rotary Action Group for Refugees, Forced Displacement and Migration about the type of support the Action Group members can provide to your club/district.  
Webinar details: 
Date: Wednesday May 11 
Time: 3 – 4pm ET 

Want more, the following is more information and links that may interest you:
Rotary Response: 
10 million people have been displaced from the
war in Ukraine and need support. You can help.
Rotary members are using their connections to collect, ship, and coordinate the delivery of critical medical supplies to Ukraine. Two cargo planes packed with medical equipment, including an ambulance, have already flown from Chicago to Europe, where unloading and delivery to hospitals were led by members in and outside of Ukraine. See story called "Rotary clubs unite across continents to collect and deliver medial aid to Ukraine".

Disaster Response Fund:
Option for Rotarians or Guests
The Rotary Foundation Creates Channel For Direct Humanitarian Support In Ukraine Area: https://www.rotary.org/en/rotary-foundation-creates-channel-direct-humanitarian-support-ukraine-region
Disaster Response Grants:
Rotary Voices:
Rotary's Network Enables Rapid Humanitarian Relief For Ukrainian Refugees:
As refugees continue to flee the war in Ukraine, Rotary's network of clubs in surrounding countries work to provide humanitarian relief. From transportation efforts to coordinating food, water, and shelter-- members are working to provide aid in response to the escalating humanitarian hardship. To learn more about clubs' local efforts and how you can support CLICK HERE.
Rotary Response To The Ukraine Crisis & How You Can Donate.  Eric Tindall 2022-04-03 04:00:00Z 0 Ukraine Crisis
Apr. 12- Anniversary of Announcement that the Polio Vaccine is "Safe, Effective, and Potent." Eric Tindall 2022-03-30 04:00:00Z 0 End Polio Now,John White,Polio,Salk polio vaccine,University of Michigan

Apr. 12- Anniversary of Announcement that the Polio Vaccine is "Safe, Effective, and Potent."

Posted on Mar 30, 2022
"Safe, effective, and potent." 
With these words on April 12, 1955, Dr. Thomas Francis Jr., director of the Poliomyelitis Vaccine Evaluation Center at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, announced to the world that the Salk polio vaccine was up to 90% effective in preventing paralytic polio.
Dr. Francis made the announcement to a crowd of scientists and reporters at the University of Michigan's Rackham Auditorium, concluding his two-year national field trials of the poliomyelitis vaccine developed by his former student, Jonas Salk. Francis was chair of the School of Public Health Department of Epidemiology where Salk did postgraduate training. Over 1,800,000 children participated in the field trials, which were unprecedented in magnitude.
The event was held on the tenth anniversary of the passing of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, one of the most well-known victims of polio.
This article is dedicated to keeping  the story alive since it's been over 60 years since polio has been much of a concern to parents in the U.S.
More complete background on the event that day is available from the U-M School of Public Health: https://sph.umich.edu/polio/. Also of interest is a 2005 Emmy-award winning 15-minute video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BfxpdzwXLA) and a 90-second newsreel from the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LlDn_MQDkc. Even more information is available on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Announcement_of_polio_vaccine_success.
Apr. 12- Anniversary of Announcement that the Polio Vaccine is "Safe, Effective, and Potent." Eric Tindall 2022-03-30 04:00:00Z 0 Dr. Thomas Francis Jr.,End Polio Now,Polio,Salk polio vaccine,University of Michigan
Empowering Women Through Service Organizations Such As Rotary International. Eric Tindall 2022-03-29 04:00:00Z 0 BrendaK "Woo Woo" Tipton,Livingston Daily

Register to Attend: District 6380's Upcoming All Member District Environmental Work Day - 2022

Posted on Mar 26, 2022
Finally SPRING is in the air and right around the corner WooWoo!!  The District would like to personally invite you, your family and friends to this year’s
Rotary District 6380 Environmental Work Days in both the US and Canada 
Saturday April 23, 2022.
This District-sponsored all Member Work Day will celebrate, support and bring awareness to our Rotary's Seventh Area of Focus - the Environment. The District is having an outdoor hands-on project at Vestergaard Farms in Ann Arbor and request the participation of all District Rotarians, Family and Friends.
Project Lead - Scott Nelson, snelson@usgs.gov, from Ann Arbor North.

The day will include the following elements:

  • Fun, Fellowship and Fresh Air
  • Education about the project and the site
  • Assembling the FarmBot | Open-Source CNC Farming- The FarmBot is a precision agriculture robot farming machine. aims to create an open and accessible technology aiding everyone to grow food and to grow food for everyone.
  • Cleaning up the raised beds 
  • Spreading wood mulch
  • Food- Lunch and Drinks will be provided
This project is a District Grant partnering Rotary Clubs with Willow Run Acres operated by T.C. Collins and Vestergaard Farms. Willow Run Acres area is an educational farm focused on teaching kids how to connect with nature and the origin of their food.
CLICK HERE to see more information on the District Grant and T.C. Collins.
Date: Saturday April 23, 2022
Time: 9:00am - 2:00pm
Place: Vestergaard Farms Market, 4408 S. Wagner Rd,  Ann Arbor MI 48103
CLICK HERE for Vestergaard Farms website
CLICK HERE to register
Saturday morning until 9 AM the forecast is for rain. This will not affect our work day but volunteers will get dirty. Please wear old clothes that you do not care if they get damaged or dirty.
Register to Attend: District 6380's Upcoming All Member District Environmental Work Day - 2022 Eric Tindall 2022-03-26 04:00:00Z 0 District 6380 Environmental Workday,T.C. Collins,Vestergaard Farms

Register to Attend: District 6380's Upcoming All Member District Environmental Work Day - 2022

Posted on Mar 26, 2022
Finally SPRING is in the air and right around the corner WooWoo!! 
The District would like to personally invite you, your family and friends to this year’s Rotary District 6380 Environmental Work Days in both the US and Canada on Saturday April 23, 2022.
Click flyer for story and registration information.

Register to Attend: District 6380's Upcoming All Member District Environmental Work Day - 2022 Eric Tindall 2022-03-26 04:00:00Z 0 District 6380 Environmental Workday,T.C. Collins,Vestergaard Farms

Rotary Response To The Ukraine Crisis & How You Can Donate. 

Posted on Mar 07, 2022
R. I. Statement on Ukraine Crisis:

It is a tragic and sad time for the people of Ukraine and the world.

At Rotary, we are deeply concerned by the deteriorating situation in Ukraine and the escalating loss of life and humanitarian hardship there. Continued military action against Ukraine will not only devastate the region, but also risk spreading tragic consequences across Europe and the world.

As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, we have made peace the cornerstone of our global mission. We join the international community in calling for an immediate cease fire, withdrawal of Russian forces, and a restoration of diplomatic efforts to resolve this conflict through dialogue.

In the past decade, Rotary clubs in Ukraine, Russia and nearby countries have transcended national differences and have actively engaged in peace-building projects to promote goodwill and to marshal assistance for the victims of war and violence.

Today, our thoughts are with our fellow Rotary members and others in Ukraine coping with these tragic events. Rotary International will do everything in its power to bring aid, support and peace to the region.
Want more, the following is more information and links you may want to look at:
Rotary Response: 

Disaster Response Fund:
Option for Rotarians or Guests
Disaster Response Grants:
Rotary Voices:
Rotary's Network Enables Rapid Humanitarian Relief For Ukrainian Refugees:
As refugees continue to flee the war in Ukraine, Rotary's network of clubs in surrounding countries work to provide humanitarian relief. From transportation efforts to coordinating food, water, and shelter-- members are working to provide aid in response to the escalating humanitarian hardship. To learn more about clubs' local efforts and how you can support CLICK HERE
Rotary Partners Efforts In The Ukraine Crisis:
Right now, ShelterBox teams are in the process of working on three different projects: people who have fled their homes, but remain in Ukraine, People who have remained in damaged buildings in Ukraine and are in need of supplies that will help them survive and finally, ShelterBox will be supporting refugees who have fled to neighboring countries. The situation in Ukraine is changing so fast that I encourage you to go to the ShelterBox website to find out the latest in supplies being provided. Shelter Box website is at https://www.shelterboxusa.org.
To donate to Shelter Box's efforts in Ukraine CLICK HERE.
Habitat For Humanity:
Habitat for Humanity the week of March 4th, began distributing hotel vouchers to families fleeing the violence in Ukraine as the humanitarian housing organization ramps up its efforts to reduce the vulnerability of refugees and meet their shelter needs in Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. For more information CLICK HERE.
Rotary Response To The Ukraine Crisis & How You Can Donate.  Eric Tindall 2022-03-07 05:00:00Z 0 Ukraine Crisis

Rotary Responds To The Ukraine Crisis & How You Can Donate.

Posted by Eric Tindall on Mar 07, 2022
Rotary International has given individuals a way to donate to the Ukrainian Crisis through their Disaster Response Fund.
Click on image below for Rotary International's statement, Rotary's response to the crisis and how you can donate.
Click image to see Rotary International's Statement,
Rotary's Responds to the crisis and how you can donate.

Rotary Responds To The Ukraine Crisis & How You Can Donate. Eric Tindall 2022-03-07 05:00:00Z 0 Ukraine Crisis

Be Inspired...INSPIREX Presents "The Impact and History of Women in Rotary"

Posted on Mar 05, 2022
We are so excited to announce and ask that you mark your calendar and attend our upcoming District 6380 InspireX Speaker Series Event  
This month the committee team will present "The Impact and History of Women in Rotary"  This info charged event will be presented with videos and words from International Leaders as well as a panel of District 6380 Men and Women addressing your questions and giving their experience of the Impact that allowing Women to join Rotary has given.
Messages from:
  • Jennifer Jones- First Women Rotary International President 22-23
  • Dr Sylvia Whitlock- First Women Club President, 87-88.
  • Virginia Nordby- First Women District Governor, 95-96, and current member of Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North.
Discussions with:
  • Dean Rohrs, Trustee Rotary Foundation, 20-23.
  • Mav Sanghvi, Past District Governor 6380, 87-88.
  • BrendaK "Woo Woo" Tipton, District Governor 6380, 21-22.
  • Taryn Willis, President Ypsilanti Club, 21-22.
Click flyer for more information and to register.

Be Inspired...INSPIREX Presents "The Impact and History of Women in Rotary" Eric Tindall 2022-03-05 05:00:00Z 0 InspireX Speaker Series,Women In Rotary

Interact Day of Peace 2022.

Calling all Interact Club members and friends.  
Join us at this first ever Rotary District 6380 assembly to discuss what young people can do to promote peace in their schools and communities.  
Guest Speakers Devankar Mukhi, Wayne State Center for Peace and Conflict Studies/Wayne State Rotaract Club founder and Reem Ghunaim, Executive Director for the Rotary Action Group for Peace/Rotary Peace Fellow will share their stories.
Learn how you can be a part of next September's Peace Conference organized by the Rotary District 6380 Peace Committee.
Click flyer to register.

Interact Day of Peace 2022. Eric Tindall 2022-03-05 05:00:00Z 0 Interact Day of Peace 2022
"Woo Woo" Inside Scoop- June 2022. Eric Tindall 2022-03-01 05:00:00Z 0 Team "Woo Woo" Inside Scoop

Now you can Win CASHCASH BACK$$... For the District 6380 Conference

Posted on Feb 26, 2022
The winner of the second CASHCASH BACK$$... is Melanie Moses.
This years District Conference Registrations are filling up quickly.  So to celebration your District Conference Committee Chairs offered a second chance which ended on April 15th to win a Cash back offering of $50.00!! 
District 6380 Conference Celebration "It's All about the Clubs and Members"
This event is going to be an amazing time to reconnect, share ideas and have some much needed in person FUN! 
Date:   Friday May 20, 2022
Time:   5:00pm - 9:00pm
Place:  Paradise Park Amusement Center
             45799 Grand River Ave, Novi, MI 48374
Date:   Saturday May 21, 2022
Time:   8:00am - 9:00pm
Place:  Suburban Showplace Collection
             46100 Grand River Ave, Novi, MI 48374
Specially blocked District 6380 Hotel Rooms can be reserved directly with the Hyatt Place located in the Suburban Showplace Collection 46100 Grand River Ave, Novi, MI 48374 .  
Make your Hotel Reservations at Hyatt Hotel or call 1-800-233-1234
                      Be sure to reference Group Code:  G-RD22
Don't forget to Engage, Excite and most importantly HAVE FUN.  I really look forward to seeing you all and hearing about your clubs at this soon to be amazing event and have also attached the flyer for distribution.   WooWoo!!
Detailed info for all activities can be found on our District Website: rotary6380.org

The first winner of the WIN CASHBACK$$... SWEEPSTAKES that registered for the conference before March 15th was Paul Schissler. Congratulations!
Now you can Win CASHCASH BACK$$... For the District 6380 Conference Eric Tindall 2022-02-26 05:00:00Z 0 Rotary District 6380 Conference 2021-2022

Zone 28 & 32 Virtual Foundation Gala and Fundraiser.

Celebrate our Rotary International Foundation: The Rotary Zone 28 & 32 Virtual Gala & Fundraiser Even.
Let's Make History at our Rotary Foundation Zone Gala - 2022

Join our hosts, Rotary International Vice President Valarie Wafer, and TRF Trustee, Dean Rohrs, for our Fundraising Gala on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 8:00 pm ET.
Our hosts will be joined by RI President-Elect Jennifer Jones, Director-Elect Drew Kessler, and our MC for the evening, Past-Director Jeffry Cadorette.
To register or to make a donation click photo.

Zone 28 & 32 Virtual Foundation Gala and Fundraiser. Eric Tindall 2022-02-23 05:00:00Z 0 Zone 28 & 32 Virtual Foundation Gala

Rotary Club of Saline Produces Food Packets for "Kids Coalition Against Hunger".

Posted on Feb 21, 2022
Pictured is the Rotary Club of Saline crew who participated in the "Kids Coalition Against Hunger" food packaging event at Christ Our King Lutheran Church, Saline, Michigan on February 19, 2022. 
Our group helped package 30,000 food packets, each 390 grams to provide sufficient nutrition for 6 adults or 12 children. 
They will be distributed locally, internationally and stored for disaster relief!  "Kids Coalition Against Hunger" is a humanitarian food relief organization whose mission is to significantly reduce the number of hungry children in the USA and feed starving children throughout the world.

Click photo for story

Rotary Club of Saline Produces Food Packets for "Kids Coalition Against Hunger". Eric Tindall 2022-02-21 05:00:00Z 0 Kids Coalition Against Hunger,Rotary Club of Saline

How Does Your Rotary Membership Totals Measure Up?

Posted on Feb 15, 2022
Ever wonder where our club compares to others in Michigan in terms of total membership? How about the total number of Rotarians in Michigan clubs compared to those in other states? Which clubs are the biggest in the US? Ponder no further.
By clicking the photo below you will get the answer.
Spoiler alert: You probably knew The Rotary Club of Ann Arbor is the biggest in Michigan. The runner up is likely one you won’t guess easily.
Click image to read the story.

How Does Your Rotary Membership Totals Measure Up? Eric Tindall 2022-02-15 05:00:00Z 0 Rotary Membership

Peace Committee Gun Violence/Prevention Seminar.

Posted on Feb 08, 2022
The District 6380, 6400 & 6600 Peace Committees in conjunction with the Wayne State University for Peace and Conflict Studies will be hosting a District wide virtual Seminar on Thursday May 24, 2022 relating to Gun Control Violence and Prevention.
This seminar is one of three Pre-Conference events "Taking Action for Peace" Conference slated for September 2022.
This event is open to any and all Rotarians, family, friends as well as other Districts.
Peace Committee Gun Violence/Prevention Seminar. Eric Tindall 2022-02-08 05:00:00Z 0 Peace Committee Gun Violence/Prevention Seminar
Peace Committee Gun Violence/Prevention Seminar. Eric Tindall 2022-02-08 05:00:00Z 0 Peace Committee Gun Violence/Prevention Seminar
What Will You Be Doing During Black History Month? Eric Tindall 2022-02-03 05:00:00Z 0 Black History Month Speaker Series 2022,Rotary Club of Ann Arbor,Ypsilanti Rotary Club

District 6380 Peace Assembly For Youth (Virtual).

Posted on Jan 31, 2022
Postponed Until April
How can youth become peace influencers in their schools and communities?  The District 6380 Interact Committee and Peace Committee are joining forces to host a virtual conversation.  
All youth are invited to participate.  
Attendees must register (Click on flyer below) in order to receive the Zoom link.  
For questions or more information, contact Cynthia Hill (cynthiajoyill@yahoo.com) or Mary Sloan (marymsloan@comcast.net).
Date:  February 13, 2022.       Time:  2:00pm - 3:00pm  
Click flyer to go to events page to register.

District 6380 Peace Assembly For Youth (Virtual). Eric Tindall 2022-01-31 05:00:00Z 0 Rotary District Peace Assemble For The Youth 2022
Bloomfield Hills Rotary - Holly National Cemetery Cleanup. Eric Tindall 2022-01-23 05:00:00Z 0 Bloomfield Hills Rotary,Holly National Cemetery Cleanup

The Four Way Test.

Posted on Jan 20, 2022
The Origins of the Four-Way Test
The Four-Way Test was adopted by Rotary in 1943, but it had been around since 1932 when it was coined by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor when he was asked to take charge of a company that was facing bankruptcy.This 24-word test for employees to follow in their business and professional lives became the guide for sales, production, advertising, and all relations with dealers and customers, and the survival of the Club Aluminum company is credited to this simple philosophy. After it was adopted by Rotary, the Four-Way Test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways. Click here   or on the image below for the Story Behind the Four-Way Test, in Taylor’s own words.
Click The Four Way Test image to see 
Rotarians Herbert J. Taylor's own words.

The Four Way Test. Eric Tindall 2022-01-20 05:00:00Z 0 The Four Way Test

Taking Action for Peace Conference: Pre Event Meeting.

Posted on Jan 19, 2022
Taking Action for Peace Conference: Upcoming Pre-Conference Events:
The September 23-24, Taking Action for Peace Conference will include a number of pre-conference events. The first, on January 26, is hosted by District 6400's Peace Connection. Click image below to register for the pre-conference event.
District 6380's Peace Committee will host the next program on February 24, on Preventing Gun Violence. Mark your calendars and join us!
Click image for link to register for the pre-conference event.

Taking Action for Peace Conference: Pre Event Meeting. Eric Tindall 2022-01-19 05:00:00Z 0 Taking Action For Peace Conference 2022
Mount Clemens Rotary Distributes Checks to Charities. Eric Tindall 2022-01-03 05:00:00Z 0 Mount Clemens Rotary Club

"ICU Upgradation" For Sane Guruji Hospital in Hadapsar, Pune (India).

Posted on Dec 18, 2021
Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North, Rotary Club of Detroit and Rotary Club of Pune Metro‘s, partners again in a Global Grant project titled “ICU Upgradation”, which was inaugurated Dec 18, 2021 by D3131 Governor Rashmi Kulkarni at Sane Guruji Hospital in Hadapsar, Pune (India). 
The project has helped this community hospital serving many rural poor of Maharashtra with significantly enhanced new medical treatment facilities.
The ever-energetic Past President Rotarian Makarand Phadke was instrumental in organizing this needed project, which got completed in record time, in anticipation of COVID’s Third Wave…
"ICU Upgradation" For Sane Guruji Hospital in Hadapsar, Pune (India). Eric Tindall 2021-12-18 05:00:00Z 0 ICU Upgradation,Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North,Rotary Club of Pune Metro
"ICU Upgradation" For Sane Guruji Hospital in Hadapsar, Pune (India). Eric Tindall 2021-12-18 05:00:00Z 0 "ICU Upgradation",Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North,Rotary Club of Pune Metro
Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation’s Position Statement on COVID-19 Vaccination. Eric Tindall 2021-12-17 05:00:00Z 0 COVID-19

Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation’s Position Statement on COVID-19 Vaccination.

Posted on Dec 17, 2021
Dear Rotarians,
We see the decision to vaccinate as a civic and humanitarian imperative. Rotary is not a political or religious organization, it is a service organization and this is the lens through which we are advising you of our position. 
  1. Global vaccination is the path to ending the pandemic and the emergence of new variants. Rotary endorses and strongly encourages vaccination for all individuals including our members who are currently able to be vaccinated against COVID-19. In areas where COVID-19 is surging, communities are facing extreme challenges, health systems are overwhelmed, and contentious rhetoric is dividing us. It is critical that the virus be contained so that the world may begin to heal. To that end, the purpose of this statement is to reinforce Rotary’s position. 
  2. Misinformation has become an “infodemic” that hinders the fight against COVID-19. In line with our Four-Way Test, Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation are committed to providing our members with science-based information. 
  3. Rotary International staff at One Rotary Center were required to be vaccinated by 10 October 2021, as a criterion for employment after that date. RI’s employee vaccination rate stands at over 99 percent.
  4. Globally, Rotary is actively engaged in assuring equity in vaccine access to all people. Our efforts have included advocacy with the G-20, and a proof-of-concept program with GAVI/COVAX to leverage our frontline experience with polio eradication to facilitate vaccine delivery in several low- and middle-income countries where Rotarians are active. While we know many clubs are already deeply involved in COVID-19 prevention, we are working on additional strategies to multiply our collective efforts. GAVI/COVAX is a partnership including WHO and UNICEF focused on global access and delivery of COVID-19 vaccines.
  5. Those children for whom vaccines are not currently available are at significant risk. Until vaccines are available for all children, the vaccination of adults is the best way to protect children who cannot be vaccinated. Pediatric admissions for COVID-19 are rising precipitously in areas of low vaccination.
  6. Rotary salutes health care workers everywhere as they continue to provide lifesaving services. Local recognition of these heroes by each of our clubs can help to encourage them to continue their important work. Rotary abhors any harassment and attacks on healthcare workers. 
  7. Rotary and Rotaract clubs are encouraged to: (1) set good examples by being exemplary role models; (2) redouble their efforts to support COVID-19 treatment, prevention, and vaccination efforts.
  8. Vaccines have proven to be one of the greatest advances of modern medicine. The World Health Organization estimates that vaccines save between 2 to 3 million children’s lives each year, and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative estimates the polio vaccine has saved more than 19 million children from paralysis. Vaccines are safe, effective and are responsible for eliminating or controlling many other vaccine-preventable diseases such as smallpox, measles, rubella, and Ebola. And now, there is the opportunity to end the COVID-19 pandemic through vaccines. 
  9. The eradication of polio remains a goal of the highest order for Rotary. We can apply the lessons we have learned in fighting polio to the efforts in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shekhar Mehta                                                                         John Germ
President, Rotary International                                                Chair, The Rotary Foundation
CC: RI Board of Directors & Directors-elect, TRF Board of Trustees and incoming Trustees, District Governors-elect, Club Presidents-elect, Regional Leaders, COVID-19 Task Force, International PolioPlus Committee, Communications Committee
Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation’s Position Statement on COVID-19 Vaccination. Eric Tindall 2021-12-17 05:00:00Z 0 COVID-19
Announcement: District 6380 Nominated District Governor 2024-2025. Eric Tindall 2021-12-12 05:00:00Z 0 Sharna Hatcher

Announcement: District 6380 Nominated District Governor 2024-2025.

I am honored and privileged to announce that longtime Rotarian and member of the Rotary Club of Auburn Hills, Past Assistant Governor and current Regional Membership Lead Sharna Hatcher, will serve in this esteemed role leading our District in the year of 2024-2025. 
Sharna will hold the title of District Governor Nominee Designate (DGND) until July 1, 2022.  She then will assume the title of District Governor Nominee (DGN) serving as the District Governor Nominee in 2022-23, District Governor Elect in 2023-24 and District Governor in 2024-2025. 
Also confirmed is PDG Jane McManus, who will fill the position of Vice Governor for 2022-2023. 
BrendaK "WooWoo" Tipton
District 6380 Governor 2021-2022
Announcement: District 6380 Nominated District Governor 2024-2025. Eric Tindall 2021-12-12 05:00:00Z 0 Sharna Hatcher

Discover New Horizons, at Rotary International Convention in Houston.

Posted on Dec 08, 2021
Houston, which calls itself “the city with no limits,” reflects the limitless impact of our work in Rotary. Create change within yourself, your community, and the world. Join your family, friends, and fellow Rotary members and explore what’s possible at the Rotary International Convention.
No matter who you are or where you’re from, you’re bound to find inspiration throughout the convention. It’s an experience unlike any other Rotary event, and it will renew your commitment to service and leadership. Make new friends and connect with old ones while exploring the diverse city of Houston or the House of Friendship. Make global connections that ignite local action at all the convention events.
Don’t miss your chance to Discover New Horizons and join us in Houston, Texas, USA, 4-8 June 2022.
Registration for the Convention:
 Rotary International Conference 2022 - Houston, TX
        Please go to: http://www.riconvention.org for purchasing details.
District 6380 Designated Convention Travel Agent 2021-2022 for Flight Travel Assistance:
Leslie Koehler, Brighton Rotary (leslie@brightontravel.net) (810) 229-2935
Click photo for more information & to register.
See Host Organization Committee website for Houston RI Convention at https://www.houstonri2022.org/
Discover New Horizons, at Rotary International Convention in Houston. Eric Tindall 2021-12-08 05:00:00Z 0 Rotary International Convention 2022 Houston TX
Discover New Horizons, at Rotary International Convention in Houston. Eric Tindall 2021-12-08 05:00:00Z 0 Rotary International Convention 2022 Houston TX
Rochester Partners With Accra-Spintex Rotary To Light Ghana. Eric Tindall 2021-11-19 05:00:00Z 0 Accra-Spintex Rotary Club,Rochester Rotary Club
Fowlerville Rotary Hosted The 70th Annual Dawn Patrol! Eric Tindall 2021-11-13 05:00:00Z 0 "Dawn Patrol",Fowlerville Rotary Club

RCAA Cleaning Up Ann Arbor.

Posted by Eric Tindall on Nov 03, 2021

The environment is a significant area of focus for Rotarians across the globe.  Admirable efforts are underway to address environmental issues with education, policy, and through the support of activities that improve sustainability and create a synchronicity between our communities and the environment. 

RCAA Cleaning Up Ann Arbor. Eric Tindall 2021-11-03 04:00:00Z 0 Clean Up Ann Arbor,Rotary Club of Ann Arbor
Rotary District 6380 At The Detroit Free Press Marathon. Eric Tindall 2021-10-17 04:00:00Z 0 Detroit Free Press Marathon

Foundation And Membership Celebration Gala.

Posted on Oct 14, 2021
Foundation and Membership Celebration Gala is November 9, 2021. 
Lets celebrate our Foundation and Membership teams from District 6380 and District 6400. 
Your hosts, Governor BrendaK "WooWoo" Tipton (6380) and Governor Aruna Kousik (6400), are planning a fun evening with auctions, 50/50, awards and much much more!  
Live Auction items and photos of items:
Also included in your registration is your chance to purchase 50/50 Raffle ticket of which if chosen will have the option of Cash or one of the AUCTION ITEMS!
This celebration evening will be unlike any other and will feature incoming Rotary President Elect Jennifer Jones and PolioPlus Director Michael McGovern guiding us through an evening of recognitions, fundraising, auctions, re-inductions, and much much more
The Rotary Foundation’s mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, good will and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty. We have the ability to come together and make a huge impact. Our Foundation is very unique in the way that it is structured. The money that is given to the annual fund this year is invested for three years and will come back to the District in the form of District Designated Funds.  This is how our District Grants are funded.
CLICK HERE for tickets and more information.
Click image to purchase tickets and get more information.
Foundation And Membership Celebration Gala. Eric Tindall 2021-10-14 04:00:00Z 0 Foundation and Membership Gala

End Polio Now Special Event.

Posted on Oct 06, 2021
Please Join Us Virtually 
for a conversation with noted FDR author, James Tobin
October 20 at 7:00pm
Tickets required.  Admission cost is a donation of any amount. Your donation will go directly to PolioPlus. Admission ticket bundled with a signed copy of your choice of books is also available. 
For more information and to purchase tickets click on photo
End Polio Now Special Event. Eric Tindall 2021-10-06 04:00:00Z 0 End Polio Now,James Tobin
Rotary International Approves Support For Global Grant In Ghana Eric Tindall 2021-10-04 04:00:00Z 0 Ghana West Africa,Rotary Club of Ann Arbor

Rotary Club of Saline Maple Road Litter Pick-up.

Posted on Oct 04, 2021
Picture below is Angi Petraszko, Jim Datson and Janet Dillon, some of the Rotary Club of Saline crew who picked up litter along a two mile stretch of  Maple Road from Textile Road to Ellsworth Road, one of the gateways to Saline, on October 2, 2021.  The club has now completed its third calendar year of clean-ups under the Washtenaw County Road Commission Adopt-A-Road Program!
Click photo to learn more about Adopt-A-Road Project.

Rotary Club of Saline Maple Road Litter Pick-up. Eric Tindall 2021-10-04 04:00:00Z 0 Adopt-A-Road Program,Rotary Club of Saline

Rotary Club of Ann Arbor Welcomes New Members.

Posted on Sep 29, 2021
On Thursday August 26th, the Rotary Club Membership Committee hosted a reception for new Rotary members at the Carlyle Grill in Ann Arbor. Thirty-five members enjoyed a delightful event at which new members were joined by Club Directors and leaders.
Click photo for full story on new member celebration.
Rotary Club of Ann Arbor Welcomes New Members. Eric Tindall 2021-09-29 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary Club of Ann Arbor

District 6380 and Detroit Marathon All Member Event - Register Today!

Posted on Sep 22, 2021
I am very excited to announce, our upcoming all member, friends, family district supported event volunteering at this year's Detroit Marathon 2021. 
Yes, our District will be traveling to the city of Detroit on October 17th to promote Rotary District 6380, as well as support the runners and especially cheer on our fellow Rotarian runners at this Year's Detroit Marathon - WooWoo!!
Myself and Lake Orion Sunrise Rotarian and Director of this year's Marathon's Hydration Stations Julie Barnes Mauer, are teaming together to man support water stations throughout the course.  We want to engage as many District clubs as possible to display their Rotary District banners and other marketing material and promote our Rotarian Service above self passion all the while supporting and providing the runners with fluids at assigned stations along the course.
Wow what could be more fun and exhilarating for all of us spending the day outside with thousands and thousands of your BEST friends doing good for others as we cheer on our fellow Rotarian runners and keep all runners hydrated!
I encourage you ALL to sign up today even our Canadian family if possible pending border crossing and bring your family, friends, club members to this fun and exciting event in Downtown Detroit.
District 6380 and Detroit Marathon All Member Event - Register Today!!
                                   Date:  Sunday October 17, 2021
                                   Time:  6:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Contact:  Julie Barnes Mauer (julie.barnesmaurer@gmail.com)
                                   (phone (248-830-7270)
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN: District 6380 & Detroit Marathon.
Lastly as an added bonus for volunteering we will all receive a Detroit Marathon Fleece Hooded Jacket - Wowsa!! So hurry and sign up today and plan to attend our first meet on October 5th that you will be getting more info regarding soon.
WooWoo this will be so much fun!!
BrendaK "WooWoo" Tipton
District 6380 Governor 2021-2022
District 6380 and Detroit Marathon All Member Event - Register Today! Eric Tindall 2021-09-22 04:00:00Z 0 Detroit Free Press Marathon
District 6380 and Detroit Marathon All Member Event - Register Today! Eric Tindall 2021-09-22 04:00:00Z 0 Detroit Free Press Marathon

ARC – Anti-Racism Committee- Working To Identify, Describe, & Dismantle Racism.

Posted on Sep 09, 2021
The ARC - Anti-Racism Committee of the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor invites you to join us in our efforts to further the cause of racial understanding and reconciliation, and to combat the deep-seated problems of racism in our society. 
ARC is the vehicle that the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor has formed to pursue our goal: to accelerate the "arc of justice."   We hope that Rotarians throughout the District will join us as we search for solutions and educate ourselves to be more aware, and to be better allies to those who face the challenges of racism every day. 
To learn more about ARC click on image.
If your Club is involved with similar activities we’d like to hear more. Contact us or join one of our meetings. They’re thoughtful, lively, and always civil.  The next meeting is September 14th at 1:30.  For other meeting dates and zoom links contact Marcia Lane:  mlane0407@gmail.com.
We hope you’ll join us!
ARC – Anti-Racism Committee- Working To Identify, Describe, & Dismantle Racism. Eric Tindall 2021-09-09 04:00:00Z 0 Anti-Racism Committee,Rotary Club of Ann Arbor
Rotary Club of Saline Inducts New Member at its August 26, 2021 Club Meeting. Eric Tindall 2021-08-31 04:00:00Z 0 Jeff Williams,Rotary Club of Saline

Tilbury Rotary Club Participates in Local Gleaning Project.

Posted on Aug 29, 2021
Barry and Jennifer White participated in one of our ongoing projects to support local food banks. In partnership with Chatham Kent Public Health, local farmers allow volunteers to glean produce from their fields after harvest.
Jennifer and Barry have been providing the Wheatley, Blenheim and Tilbury Food banks with fresh produce for the past 3 years.  Today, we harvested tomatoes, corn and zucchini.  Other days cabbage, squash, beans, kale, onions, peppers and cucumbers.
Click photo to see Facebook post.
Tilbury Rotary Club Participates in Local Gleaning Project. Eric Tindall 2021-08-29 04:00:00Z 0 Gleaning Project,Tibury Rotary Club

Tibury Rotary Club Participates in Local Gleaners Project.

Posted on Aug 29, 2021
Barry and Jennifer White participated in one of our ongoing projects to support local food banks. In partnership with Chatham Kent Public Health, local farmers allow volunteers to clean produce from their fields after harvest.
Jennifer and Barry have been providing the Wheatley, Blenheim and Tilbury Food banks with fresh produce for the past 3 years.  Today, we harvested tomatoes, corn and zucchini.  Other days cabbage, squash, beans, kale, onions, peppers and cucumbers.
Click photo to see Facebook post.
Tibury Rotary Club Participates in Local Gleaners Project. 2021-08-29 04:00:00Z 0 Gleaning Project,Tibury Rotary Club

Interact of Clarkston At Work.

Posted on Aug 18, 2021
Clarkston’s new Interact Club is staying busy and visible in the community.  Most recently they worked with The Lakeview Cemetery Restoration Project to clean and preserve gravestones in the local cemetery.  They held a can and bottle drive and donated $350, half their proceeds, to the project.
Click photo for story.
Interact of Clarkston At Work. Eric Tindall 2021-08-18 04:00:00Z 0 Interact Club,Rotary Club of Clarkston
Lyon Area Rotary Participates in South Lyon Kite Festival. Eric Tindall 2021-08-16 04:00:00Z 0 Lyon Area Rotary,South Lyon Kite Festival
Lyon Area Rotary Sells Cotton Candy and Finds New Members. Eric Tindall 2021-08-16 04:00:00Z 0 Cotton Candy,Lyon Area Rotary
Rotary Club of Saline Hosts 2021 Scholarship Awardees And Their Parents At July 15th Club Meeting. Eric Tindall 2021-08-04 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary Club of Saline
Come Check Out IFMR-NA (International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians - North America). Eric Tindall 2021-08-02 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary Club of Motorcycle Rotarians
Hootin' In The Park. Eric Tindall 2021-08-02 04:00:00Z 0 Hootin' In The Park,Rotary Club of Highway M-36
Come Check Out IFMR-NA (International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians - North America). Eric Tindall 2021-08-02 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary Club of Motorcycle Rotarians
18th Annual Rotary Club of Ann Arbor Golf and Tennis Outing. Eric Tindall 2021-08-01 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary Club of Ann Arbor,Rotary Club of Ann Arbor Golf & Tennis Outing
Troy Rotary At The Great Balls Of Fire Chili Cook Off. Eric Tindall 2021-07-28 04:00:00Z 0 Great Balls of Fire Chili Cook Off 2021,Troy Rotary
Troy Rotary At The Great Balls Of Fire Chili Cook Off. Eric Tindall 2021-07-28 04:00:00Z 0 Great Balls of Fire Chili Cook Off 2021,Troy Rotary

Registration Now Open for the Members Summit August 17th.

Posted on Jul 25, 2021
Welcome to the New Rotary Year!  
Did you know that August is Rotary Membership month? 
I am so excited to let you know that we will be hosting the D6380 Members Summit on August 17th starting 6:30pm - 8:00pm via Zoom. 
Why should you plan to be at the Members Summit?
  1. You will learn how to be successful in your membership recruitment 
  2. You will have a better understanding of  how to better engage your members
  3. You will be able to share successes and challenges with your Rotary colleagues from around the District
  4. You will better be able to understand how to have a more connected club
The Summit is for ALL Rotarians who are interested in helping their clubs to grow and reach out to potential new members in the communities who have a passion to serve.
Register and attend the Free Members Summit and AVOID any FOMO  (Fear of Missing Out)!  
Note: the summit will be virtual so that our Canadian family can join us.
Hope to virtually see you there!
Roma Murthy, 
D6380 Membership
Team Excite....Engage...Have Fun!
Registration Now Open for the Members Summit August 17th. Eric Tindall 2021-07-25 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary District 6380 Membership Summit
Registration Is Now Open for the Membership Summit August 17, 2021. Roma Murthy 2021-07-25 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary District 6380 Membership Summit
Meet BrendaK "Woo Woo" Celebration & Picnic. Eric Tindall 2021-07-22 04:00:00Z 0 BrendaK "Woo Woo" Tipton,Meet The District Governor
Meet The District Governor BrendaK "Woo Woo" Tipton Celebration and Picnic. Eric Tindall 2021-07-22 04:00:00Z 0 BrendaK "Woo Woo" Tipton,Meet The District Governor
Waterford Rotary Welcomes Rotary International Director of Polio Plus Dr. Carol Pandak! Eric Tindall 2021-07-12 04:00:00Z 0 Dr. Carol Pandak,Waterford Rotary
Rotary District 6380 Mailing Address. Eric Tindall 2021-07-09 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary District 6380 Mailing Address
Team "Woo Woo" Inside Scoop, July 2021. Eric Tindall 2021-07-06 04:00:00Z 0 Team "Woo Woo" Inside Scoop

 Link Between, Diet, Mental Health, and Addiction.

Posted by Collyer Smith on Jun 29, 2021
As you know, we have developed a District-wide Mental Health Committee to support, provide information, and do all we can to e-race the stigma on mental health issues.
An organization that is supporting mental health issues is FAN- Families Against Narcotics, they are having a special session, and speaker, to discuss the Link Between, Diet, Mental Health, and Addiction.  The event is Monday, July 12th at 7:00 PM. 
 Link Between, Diet, Mental Health, and Addiction. Collyer Smith 2021-06-29 04:00:00Z 0 Collyer Smith,E-Race The Stigma

 Link Between, Diet, Mental Health, and Addiction.

Posted by Collyer Smith on Jun 29, 2021
As you know, we have developed a District-wide Mental Health Committee to support, provide information, and do all we can to e-race the stigma on mental health issues. Some of you participated in our Mile A Day Challenge with over a dozen mental health organizations engaged in our mission. 
One of the mental health organizations that participated is FAN- Families Against Narcotics. They are having a special session, and speaker, to discuss the Link Between, Diet, Mental Health, and Addiction.  The event is Monday, July 12th at 7:00 PM. Here is the link:  Click Here to Register
For those of us that struggle, or have family members that are struggling- this seminar would be most beneficial. I hope you can join us.
 Link Between, Diet, Mental Health, and Addiction. Collyer Smith 2021-06-29 04:00:00Z 0 Collyer Smith,E-Race The Stigma
Pandemic Responds: Friends in Need. Eric Tindall 2021-06-27 04:00:00Z 0 "Pandemic Relief for Detroit Michigan Reverse Global Grant 2014854".,Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North

Mount Clemens Rotary 100 years, PLUS 1 Gala Event.

Posted on Jun 17, 2021
Celebrate 100 years, PLUS 1 of history at Mount Clemens Rotary Club's Party of the Century! This fantastic black tie gala event will be held at Villa Penna Banquets and Catering in Sterling Heights, Michigan on Saturday August 14th, 2021. Enjoy champagne, cocktails and appetizers, as well as an elegant dinner while you mingle with the legendary Nancy Lopez and friends to help raise money for the community.
Click on image to go to Party Of The Century website.
Mount Clemens Rotary 100 years, PLUS 1 Gala Event. Eric Tindall 2021-06-17 04:00:00Z 0 Mt. Clemens Rotary Club,Party Of The Century
Ride Don't Hide/ E-Race The Stigma. Collyer Smith 2021-06-14 04:00:00Z 0 Ride Don't Hide/E-Race The Stigma,Rotary District 6380 Mental Health Initiative

Ride Don't Hide/ E-Race The Stigma.

Posted by Collyer Smith on Jun 14, 2021
I wanted to update you all on our District 6380 Mental Health Committee's Initiatives. As part of E-RaBce The Stigma- our Canadian Colleagues have been providing awareness and support with their Ride Don't Hide throughout Canada. Past District Governor Barry Fraser, who started our District's Mental Health Initiative during his District Governorship, shares the passion in E-Racing the Stigma. Mental Health is one of the break-out sessions at the International Convention- and "Wellness in a Box" program being shared with Rotaract and Interact- will become more visible in our District. Barry and I had a zoom call with Rotaracters in Ottawa, Canada- providing 'Wellness in a Box" to schools-
Past District Governor Barry Fraser and other Rotarians are participating in Ride Don’t Hide (RDH) of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)  this year!   By the way-Ride Don't Hide started in Vancouver in 2012.
To connect you toward support click this link: https://cmha.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=6320  and from this link, you can either join the team or direct your support though me to the Rotary Club of Chatham and hence to the CMHA!
If you are looking to direct people to connect to the general Ride Don’t Hide page, they can find out more information by visiting: www.ridedonthide.com/lambtonkent
Would appreciate your support toward the CMHA.
Barry Fraser
“1 in 5 people will experience a mental illness but 5 in 5 of us have mental health. So many of us don’t feel like ourselves these days. With the pandemic, we have all experienced the impacts of school closures, lock downs, social isolation and economic insecurity to some degree.
Every year, CMHA Lambton/Sarnia/ Kent/Chatham  takes part in “Ride Don’t Hide”, an event that brings people together raise awareness and funds for mental health.
  • By bringing our own experiences out of hiding and into open discussion, we reduce the stigma associated with mental health and in doing so; our actions encourage others to get the help they may need.
  • The funds raised through this event support mental health prevention, education and promotion in our community. This is so important because the earlier a person receives care, the better their mental health will be in the long-term. 
With a rally of support from Rotary Clubs in Kent (6) and Lambton (5) Counties, this year Ride Don’t Hide has evolved into a virtual event. Participants are encouraged to set individual or team goals, track their activity, raise funds, spread the word and participate in weekly challenges throughout June. Whether you bike, walk, run, meditate or practice self-care, you can track your activity and stay connected with your team and sponsors using the Ride Don’t Hide mobile app.
So set your own goals and move in your own way, on your own time, and know that it all rolls up to more timely, more accessible mental health help when people need it. Find your walking buddy and join your neighbor's to raise money, raise your heart rate and raise your spirits!
Barry Fraser
Fraser & Associates
Rotary District 6380 Governor 2017/18
Chatham Ontario
‘Providing Sustainable Agri-Enviro Solutions
Join Leaders | Exchange Ideas | Take Action
Ride Don't Hide/ E-Race The Stigma. Collyer Smith 2021-06-14 04:00:00Z 0
Food Truck Friday in Pinckney. Eric Tindall 2021-06-12 04:00:00Z 0 Food Truck Friday,M-36 Rotary
How To Submit a Story To The Rotary District 6380 Website. Eric Tindall 2021-06-10 04:00:00Z 0 How To Submit A Story

Birmingham Rotary honors Veterans at City Memorial Day Ceremony.

Posted on Jun 07, 2021
On Memorial Day, the Birmingham Rotary Club participated in the City's Memorial Day Ceremony in Shain Park. The City leaders led those gathered in remembrance of the brave military personnel who have lost their lives protecting our great Nation's freedoms. Club military veterans were honored with all those present who served our great country. Club members presented a wreath at the Marshall Fredricks War Memorial Monument.
Birmingham Rotary honors Veterans at City Memorial Day Ceremony. Eric Tindall 2021-06-07 04:00:00Z 0 Birmingham Rotary Club,Memorial Day Ceremony
Birmingham Rotary honors Veterans at City Memorial Day Ceremony. Eric Tindall 2021-06-07 04:00:00Z 0 Birmingham Rotary Club,Memorial Day Ceremony
Warren Rotary Club at Cruise53 and Food Truck Rally. Eric Tindall 2021-06-07 04:00:00Z 0 Cruise53 and Food Truck Rally.,Warren Rotary Club

Rotary Youth Exchange Student Relishes Her Experience.

Posted on Jun 03, 2021
The following article is from Kandace Mink, a Rotary Youth Exchange student. It was in response to a message sent to several dozen such students who are on RI's list of "Alumni" with addresses in District 6380.
In addition to former Youth Exchange students, RI's list includes Rotaractors, Interactors, Ambassadorial Scholars, and Group Student Exchange participants among a few other smaller categories. The list includes about 500 names dating back several decades. Over half of the entries have an email address which facilitates electronic contact.
Here's what she wrote:
Thank you for your email! Yes I was an exchange student during 2015/2016 from Birmingham, MI to Taiwan! 
To this today, I am forever grateful to Rotary & the experience you all provided for me, it was life changing quite literally. I met so many different people & my mind blossomed in ways I could never have imagined without that experience. 
Through Rotary, I have made life long friends who I can connect with even to this day, no matter where I go. 
I had a french exchange student in my home as well who was from Rotary who is to this day my best friend who I call my sister as well. Through her, I got to go to France myself & that sparked me living in France these last 2 years working as an Au Pair there. While in France, I was able to meet many exchange students I had gone on exchange with!! 
Without Rotary, I wouldn't be where I am today, I would have never moved to France or have the mindset I have today. 
Currently I am in Texas but hopefully I'll have my ability to go abroad again- Rotary sparked my forever lasting passion for being immersed in new cultures, languages, and way of life.
My experience in Taiwan at 16 years old, altered my life & I have seen fragments of how it has every single day since I left. 
I truly can never express enough gratitude to what Rotary has done for my life & I can say the same for all the exchange students I have met (I even randomly bumped into Rotary Exchange students while in Bolivia this past November!! And it is amazing how Rotary Exchange students will always have that connection, no matter if you knew them before or not.) 
Thank you all greatly! 
Rotary Youth Exchange Student Relishes Her Experience. Eric Tindall 2021-06-03 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary Club of Ann Arbor,Youth Exchange
Rotary Youth Exchange Student Relishes Her Experience. Eric Tindall 2021-06-03 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary Club of Ann Arbor,Youth Exchange

Meet Governor "WooWoo" Picnic and Celebration.

Posted on Jun 01, 2021
Here's a fun opportunity to celebrate our incoming District 6380 Governor BrendaK "WooWoo" Tipton as she begins her year!  This family-oriented event will offer all sorts of games, great food, friendship, fundraisers and more.  We'll gather outside at Camp Talahi near the Brighton Recreation Area in Brighton, Michigan.  Very casual attire is requested and come to have fun!! 
Date: July 22, 2021
Time: 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Click Here or on invite to register.
Click Here to register.
Meet Governor "WooWoo" Picnic and Celebration. Eric Tindall 2021-06-01 04:00:00Z 0 Meet The District Governor

Rotary International 2021 Virtual Convention.

Posted on May 27, 2021
The 2021 Virtual Convention will be better than ever, opening more innovative opportunities to learn and to engage with the family of Rotary, near and far. You’ll be able to network in virtual lounges, meet new partners in service, and join fun activities with Rotary members from around the world. Register today, the convention is June 12-16.
click on photo for story.
Rotary International 2021 Virtual Convention. Eric Tindall 2021-05-27 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary International Convention

Clean Water for Ghana

Rotary International Approves Support for Global Grant in Ghana

(March 19, 2021) Kofi Gyan from our Club’s International Humanitarian Projects Committee is the lead for a Global Grant recently approved by Rotary International! 

The project addresses the critical need for clean and potable water for the Kporkuve United Community in the Volta Region of Ghana. It is made up of nine adjoining villages with a population of about 12,000 people. Three mechanized boreholes similar to the one pictured here will directly impact 4,000 members of the community.

Currently, the community depends on a dam that was dug many years ago. The dam dries out quickly during the dry season and contains waterborne diseases making it unhygienic for community use. 

It also depends on two hand-dug wells that pose safety and hygiene issues, wells that are inadequate to serve the population. People in adjoining villages travel long distances to fetch water. Many of them–often students–queue for hours to fetch water before going to school. 

To address the shortage of potable water the community is at the mercy of a commercial water tanker that comes to the community twice a week. Community members pay for this water, often with the financial assistance of the Kporkuve United Community Welfare Union (an organization of community members now living in Accra). 

The importance of a reliable source of water for the Kporkuve United Community cannot be over emphasized, particularly in light of the current pandemic crisis. 

The host club, The Rotary Club of Ho, has selected Tedson Drilling & Construction, Ltd. to build the boreholes that will be strategically located in the Kporkuve community. The boreholes will provide 30,000 liters (10,000 per unit) of water at a time and will solve the perennial water problem. 

The International Humanitarian Projects Committee is deeply grateful for the support from members of our Club, District 6380 and The Rotary Club of Mount Clemons for making this project possible. 

In Ghana the projects is supported by the host, The Rotary Club of Ho; The Rotary Club of Kumasi East, Kumasi Rotary Club, District 9102 and the Kporkuve United Welfare Union.

Borehole similar to the three to be constructed with this Global Grant.
Mary Avrakotos
International Humanitarian Projects Committee
Rotary Club of Ann Arbor
(315) 806-0689 Cell
Clean Water for Ghana Mary Avrakotos 2021-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

District News - March-April 2021

The Utica/Shelby Rotary is proud to be able to support these very worthy organizations in our community!  
click image for story.
Novi, Northville and W Bloomfield RCs sprucing up Maybury State Park
click on image for more photos
Novi Club makes blankets for kids in hospitals
click on image for more photos
RC of Birmingham completes its Maple Road Cleanup
click on image for more info
Milford Rotarians Take Care of Veterans Memorial in Central Park
click on image for more photos
Livingston Sunrise RC completes home improvements at The Amber Reineck House
click on image for more info
Holocaust Survivor donates mezuzah to Rotary District 6380
click on photo for story
Warren RC Brightens Easter for Children
click on photo for story
Global Grant Approval for Ghana Water Project
Click on image for full story
Birmingham RC donates to Hope Warming Center
Click on image for more information
District News - March-April 2021 Peter Tanner 2021-03-17 04:00:00Z 0

Birmingham Rotary donates to Hope Warming Center

Members and friends of The Birmingham Rotary Club donated much needed supplies for Hope Warming Center in Pontiac.  In a campaign led by Rotarian Carol Peterson, Rotarians and their supporters collected numerous supplies on Hope's basic supplies "Wish List".  Donated supplies were gathered in the Birmingham area and packaged up at Rotarian Linda Hatfield's Birmingham Bloomfield Credit Union workplace.  On Monday, March 15th, Carol and other Rotarians dropped off the collected items to an appreciative group at Hope Warming Center.
Hope Warming Center is a non-profit organization helping those in the Pontiac area who are homeless and in need of comfort. support and shelter.  Hope's website offers information on how to help and volunteer.  For further information on Hope visit their website at hopewarmingpontiac.org     
The Birmingham Rotary Club is a non-profit service organization focused on service related projects in Southeastern Michigan and Internationally.  Rotary clubs from around the globe are widely known for efforts to eradicate Polio from existence and bringing Clean Water to impoverished areas throughout the world.  For more information on Birmingham Rotary visit their website at birminghamrotary.com
Rotarians organize donated supplies for Hope Warming Center at the Birmingham Bloomfield Credit Union.  Left to Right, Marsha Kovacs and Linda Hatfield.
Delivery at Hope Warming Center.  From Left to Right, Dave Peterson, Carol Peterson and David Underdown
Birmingham Rotary donates to Hope Warming Center John Westerheide 2021-03-17 04:00:00Z 0

District News - February 2021

Nuevo Edén Guatemala gets water and sanitation system.
Home of the Casa Colibrí medical clinic soon to have reliable water source, supported by several 6380 clubs.
click on image for progress report with photos.
Waterford RC sends $5000 for Masks for Pakistan Polio Project
click on image for more photos and thank-you letter from Pakistan
District News - February 2021 Peter Tanner 2021-02-08 05:00:00Z 0

Waterford Club Purchases Masks in Pakistan

Waterford club sends $5000 to purchase masks for Polio Project in Pakistan
My Dear Friend Rotarian Ginger,
I had been meaning to write earlier as we placed the order for washable masks when we received funds from your club. I am enclosing an invoice from our vendor called Galactic Cosmos. The total order quantity is 26,000 units @ Rs. 30/unit = Rs. 780,000.  
The amount we received from your club converted to PKR 788,987. The difference of 788,987 - 780,000 is PKR 8,987 or approx US 56. This amount we use to transport masks to other provinces via courier or postal services.  The masks were sent to Rotarians who are members of the Pakistan National PolioPlus Committee across the country, and hand over to the front line workers in their respective communities. We also provide masks to the four Provincial Emergency Operations Center (EOC) who are incharge of deputing the polio vaccinators during campaign rounds.  
Here are a few images of polio vaccinators (men and women) engaged in administering polio drops to the children of Pakistan; a mix of pictures in the house to house campaign as well as Rotarians who hold health camps post NIDs to ensure no child has fallen through the cracks during the campaign, missing the opportunity of OPV.  
Thank you again for the arranging quick support and generous contribution of expediting funds for this noble cause. 
Aziz Memon
Trustee 2020-24, The Rotary Foundation
Mother bringing a child forward for OPV
Patient being checked by doctor
Polio vaccinator giving OBV NIDs
Waterford Club Purchases Masks in Pakistan 2021-02-08 05:00:00Z 0

District News - January 2021

Pandemic Response Fund Allocates $62K to Reduce Impact of Covid.
click on image for Final report of the Pandemic Response Fund.
Pandemic Relief for Detroit update
click on image for update #8
and here for update #7 with video
New Interact Club formed by Clarkston Rotary
Click on image for story
District News - January 2021 Peter Tanner 2021-01-10 05:00:00Z 0


Birmingham Rotarians Ring Bells.
Over 30 Birmingham Rotarians rang the "Bells" for the Salvation Army in Downtown Birmingham.  Total collections exceeded $850 for the Red Kettle Campaign.  
Photo captures (left to right) Birmingham Rotarians Marsha Kovacs, Dave Underdown, Joe Valentine and Joe's children Griffin (6), Brooklyn (3) and Paige (5)
Bells 2020-12-24 05:00:00Z 0

DG Selected for 2023-2024

Congratulations Collyer Smith

I am pleased to announce the Nomination Committee has selected Collyer Smith to serve as our District Governor for 2023-2024. Collyer has an impressive Rotary resume having served as President of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club, an Assistant Governor, and is leading a district-wide initiative to end the stigma of mental health. In addition, Collyer serves on the Board of the Family Learning Center where he helps second through fifth graders get to grade-level reading.
The Nominating Committee also appointed PDG Gail Scott as Vice Governor for the remaining Rotary year after the untimely passing of PGD Judy Garver. PDG Sparky Leonard was appointed to serve as the Vice Governor for 2021-2022. 
I thank the District Nominating Committee for their work and dedication to ensuring the integrity of the nomination process. The Nominating Committee was chaired by PDG Sparky Leonard and committee members included PDG Gail Scott, Renee Flore, David French, Chris Winans, Jamie Guise, Paul Schissler, and alternate Edward Duering.
I extend my personal congratulations to Collyer and welcome him to the Governors' Team. 
Karen Marie Gabrys
District Governor 2020 - 2021
Rotary International District 6380
SE Michigan, USA and SW Ontario, Canada
DG Selected for 2023-2024 Karen Gabrys 2020-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

District News - December 2020

Over 30 Birmingham Rotarians rang the "Bells" for the Salvation Army
Ann Arbor North contributes to Ososa Micro-Credit Scheme
Click on image for updated story.
And click here for video
Milan Rotary Preparing Christmas Baskets
Click on image for information and to contribute
Lake Area RC's Holiday Coat Drive
Click on image for story
M36 Rotarians helps the Farley Hill Food Bank

Click on image for information and more photos
Wallaceburg Rotary donates $10,000 to WDSS’ PSW program
Click on image for story
Pandemic Relief for Detroit
Click on image for report
Wallaceburg RC donates $10,000 to Wallaceburg PSW Program
Wallaceburg RC disbanding after 75 years
click on image for news article
Ann Arbor RC North Partnership with Community Action Network
Click on image for update on partnership
M36 Rotarians helping at Gleaners
Joyce Joyce Honored in Dominican Republic
click on image for more information
District News - December 2020 Peter Tanner 2020-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

District News - December 2020a

Over 30 Birmingham Rotarians rang the "Bells" for the Salvation Army
Ann Arbor North contributes to Ososa Micro-Credit Scheme
Click on image for updated story.
And click here for video
District News - December 2020a Peter Tanner 2020-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

District News - November 2020

Wallaceburg RC Donates $10,000 to C-K Hospice
West Bloomfield Interact Club plants Purple Crocuses for Polio
Wallaceburg RC donates $10,000 to Team Hoyt for racing wheelchairs
West Bloomfield RC Distributes Books and Pencils to Pre-school Students
Team Turkey 2020 feeds 1000 people
C-K Rotarians help collect The Gift
click on each image for stories and information about The Gift
M36 Rotarians Cram the Cruiser for Farley Hill Food Bank.
Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North Leading Pandemic Relief for Detroit
click on image for more information
District Mask delivery for Magnolia on the Lakes Assisted living in Keego Harbo
And more masks, this time for WellBridge in Pinckney
And yet more for Vina Dental in Livingston County
And Livingston County Catholic Charities
Click on images for more information
Click on image for more information
Team Turkey moving ahead.
Troy, Birmingham, West Bloomfield, Lakes Area and Sterling Heights Rotary Clubs will again feed families in need this Thanksgiving!
click on the photo for an article about Lake Area's involvement
click here to volunteer of for more information. 
Rotarians turn Farmington purple to fight Polio
click on image for press article
Installation of Scarlet's Playground benches from Lake Area Rotary
Chatham Kent Public Health Unit promotes Chatham Sunrise COVID prevention video.
Click on photo to see the video
District News - November 2020 Peter Tanner 2020-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

District News - October 2020

Volunteer Drivers needed as Team Turkey gears up
click on image for more information.
Pizza for Polio around the District
click on images for more information
Click on image for article on Warren Rotary Club's efforts
The drawing sold for $200
And click here for the Pizza for Polio photo library from Chatham
Rotary International President Nominee Jennifer Jones
click on image for video of the meeting
Mount Clemens Rotary Club supports food drive
click on image for article (which covers both the above photo and the next one)
Anchor Bay Rotary Club donates $3000 to help disabled students
Click for more information
West Bloomfield Rotary Helps Pave Way For Universally Accessible Playground
click on image for more information
Members First Summit - breakout sessions redone on Oct 10.
click on image for summit overview and links to recordings on YouTube.
click here for recording of Oct 10 breakout sessions.
Rotary donates N-95 masks to West Bloomfield schools
click on image for full story
click on image for meeting overview
District News - October 2020 Peter Tanner 2020-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

District News - September 2020

Mount Clemens helps children in foster care.
click on image for more information
And announces raffle winners and gives away $60,000 to community nonprofits
click on image for video
Members of the M36 club help prepare backpacks for kids
click on image for more photos and information
Dr Nelson Edwards leads eye care mission to Kenya
click on image for more info
100K Mask Challenge Continues
This time in Livingston Country’s own Vina Dental Outreach Facility
click on image for more information
West Bloomfield School District accepts Rotary Mask Donation
click on image for more information
District News - September 2020 Peter Tanner 2020-09-22 04:00:00Z 0

School supplies

Today Lakes Area managed to continue a traditional that began two years ago, albeit, with a twist. Marilyn Violet Foundation provides organic health and school supplies, packpacks and even a pull over fleece for at risk and special needs students in Detroit. We generally take the products to the school, tote it in, set it up and allow the youth to make personal selections. It is a high point in their school year. With COVID-19 consideration this year member Pam Jackson collected all the materials in her garage, set up production tables in the garage, on each side of her driveway and in her front yard. We masked up, broke into groups of two and took a station. These pictures don’t look like we were social distancing but we were until the last minute or two where our packages were collected and stashed for later delivery to the school where they will be safely distributed to the kids. We merged together for a quick group picture and retired to Pam’s spacious deck for some wine, cheese and savory treats and where social distancing was easy! We enjoyed being able to do this and had great fun. It was the first time most of us have seen each other in over 5 months. Our next project Is most likely Team Turkey. As Brenda would say, Woo Hoo! Can you spy an AG in these pics?  (Click on photo for more photos)
School supplies 2020-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

Membership 2021

August is the celebration of our Rotary members worldwide, it's the time to focus on all the good we do in our communities and the impact Rotarians have across the globe.

1.    Be proud of being a Rotarian! Share your Rotary experiences with your social network and let them know all the great activities our club is doing. When you're on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap....talk about what's happening in Rotary and what you are doing.

2.    Service above Self drives most Rotarians. Get involved in a service project - There's a project happening almost every month! Rotary members have almost eradicated polio, delivered clean water to places that need it, promoted peace, educated communities on health and disease and now the new focus on preserving the environment. Our district has targeted 100K face mask challenge to help our communities stay safe.

3.    Exchange ideas and experiences with other colleagues or a Rotary Social Media Group

4.    Develop yourself. Log onto the myrotary.org and discover the training module that truly show how Rotary Opens Opportunities

5.    Tell us What Rotary means to you and why are you a Rotarian? Is i the great networking or service projects or both?

6.    Get Connected - reach out to other clubs and members and share your ideas or ask them for about their experience on a project.

7.    Have Fun!

You've joined one of the world's largest network of 1.2million heroes who have fun while serving their communities across the globe I would love to hear your ideas on your Rotary experience; email me at romamurthy6380@gmail.com

Membership 2021 2020-08-19 04:00:00Z 0

Growing A Community’s Future, Sierra Leone

As we grapple with the Pandemic here in the North America, it is important to keep our global partners in our hearts and minds. We are in the midst of a Virtual Review for a Global Grant project that has been supported by many of the clubs in our District. The project is taking place in Bumpeh Chiefdom, Sierra Leone and is entitled “Growing A Community’s Future.” At its conclusion 60 acres of orchards will have been planted providing a sustainable source of income to assure that every child in the Chiefdom receives a secondary education.
The project will also provide funding for a Hospital Benevolent Fund to support villagers unable to pay for services.
Here is an eloquent letter from Chief Caulker. His vision and leadership has inspired the project.

My dream for a better future for my Chiefdom is gradually becoming a bold reality. The dream calls for the empowerment and transformation of Bumpeh Chiefdom through quality education to produce a viable middle class capable of efficiently delivering desired services and goods.

Today, the Chiefdom boasts a sixty-acre Orchard of diverse economic tree crops that will mature in three years time for harvest. The Orchard will fetch income to support and sustain our education program at least for the life time of the trees (many 20+ years), and even further with a solid plan for tree replacement and orchard expansion.

Furthermore, CCET-SL identified the development of a total of fifty acres of inland valley swamp (IVS) that is ongoing. Already eleven acres of IVS for growing vegetables and rice have been completed with this grant, and will be utilized to generate annual income to cover routine orchard operating costs.

The demonstrated success of the initial eleven-acre IVS planted with this Rotary Global Grant is attracting government attention. We hope to build on this interest to solicit support for expanding and developing the full fifty acres. We plan to use this as a demonstration site to train local people in improved growing techniques and in the design of their own IVS for year-round water access.

The community has been energized by seeing these accomplishments. They have begun to take leadership of their own personal development agendas. In short, they have been urged by the emerging circumstances to double their efforts and become more steadfast to their commitment to grow economic tree crops. They’re recognizing this not only can this yield near term income, but provide support to sustain them in their retirement. Farmers are requesting chiefdom land be approved for their own small orchards and asking for tree seedlings from CCET-SL’s nursery.

This all points to a future where cottage industries can add value to local produce by processing fruit into pulp and juice, grinding cassava into gari and milling rice. This can be the basis for a growing middle class based on agriculture business.

Rotary International, acting on the initiative of the Ann Arbor club, and together with Sherbro Foundation, all in the USA, are the pillars behind this huge achievement. Their support and funding of the programs implemented by the CENTER FOR COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT AND TRANSFORMATION have not only been fruitful but instructive on the way forward in mobilizing community members for current and future development encounters. The less I speak on their interventions the better for managing space in this statement. Therefore, my Chiefdom Administration, citizens, and myself heartily thank Rotary International, Ann Arbor Rotary Club and Sherbro Foundation for their most cherished contributions to advancing our aspirations. Our present achievements would not have been possible without them. We recognize that their interventions are most assuring, and we also wish to assure them of our unflinching commitment and participation at all times for our own good. 

We love and look forward to working with them and to meet their expectations.

P.C Charles Caulker


A photo of a recently completed storage house for the harvest.
Growing A Community’s Future, Sierra Leone 2020-06-03 04:00:00Z 0

A Race to Erase Mental Health Stigma


The event will include a marathon (26.2 miles), half marathon (13.1 miles), 10K, 5K, and a Kids Run. All events are walker friendly! A portion of each registration will be donated to mental health focused organizations. In addition, there will be a Health and Wellness Expo, the day prior, where approved mental health organizations will be offered free booth space. Space is limited-


In 2019, over 2,500 participated in the race- primarily from Michigan, Western Ontario, and Ohio. We hope to have even more in 2021!


There are several ways you can help:

To apply to be a featured charity, click here

To sign up to participate in the race, click here

To sign up to volunteer for the race, click here

To make a donation, click here


Please feel free to forward this information to others in your group, a mental health organization, or individuals, who might be interested in participating in this event.


Thank you again, everyone, for your help. Since losing our son Cam January 12, 2018  - your support on mental health awareness means a lot to us.

Annie and Col Smith


A Race to Erase Mental Health Stigma 2020-05-23 04:00:00Z 0

Message from Rotary Presidents

Dear Fellow Rotarian,

The COVID-19 coronavirus is affecting every aspect of our lives in real time, and this puts Rotarians in an unfamiliar place. As People of Action, we are most comfortable when we are fully engaged in the world – moving freely, meeting openly, and offering helping hands. These are very difficult times for people who, like us, are at our best when we are learning, growing, and serving—together.

We are also leaders in our communities, and these times call for leadership. In many ways, this also is our time. We have proven abilities to reach out and collaborate to offer immediate help to people in need at a rapid pace. These are precisely the skills needed all over the world today. The global effort against COVID-19 depends on actions taken in every country. Rotary has the unique ability to help improve those efforts in every community and every country.

Using all the technology we have at our disposal, we as Rotarians can continue to reach out and collaborate on big projects with Rotary clubs, Rotaractors, and Interactors. There are a number of examples where Rotary clubs are helping health authorities communicate best practices or provide needed equipment or support that have been shared with our leaders around the world.

As Rotary’s president and president-elect, we have been thinking of these issues very seriously in regard to upcoming Rotary events. As you may be aware, we have made the difficult decision to cancel two Rotary Presidential Conferences honoring our relationship with the United Nations- one in Paris, another in Rome. In the near term, we recommend that Rotary districts and clubs cancel or postpone meetings or events following the advice of national and local health officials.

We know that clubs and districts are seizing the opportunity to become leaders in their communities and are making better use of technology in this time of need. For example, a Rotary e-club in Italy held a live online session about COVID-19 awareness, a Taiwan club worked with companies and a pharmacy association to donate 1,600 bottles of hand sanitizer to the city of Ji-Long, and Rotary clubs in Sri Lanka helped upgrade software and hardware for the health promotion bureau to assist its social messaging.

We cannot know quite yet what path this virus will take. We know we can play a role to help “flatten the curve,” reducing the number of cases in the short term to allow our health systems to address this issue. If the collective global effort helps bring the situation under control, then we hope to re-embrace our core values at the 2020 Rotary Convention in Honolulu. Our time together will have greater meaning and purpose than ever.

Please know that we are taking a close, continuing look at our plans for the convention in June to make sure all attendees’ safety will be protected. We are following the lead of the world’s most trusted sources, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for their guidance. We want you to be able to make decisions about what is best for you and your families in terms of attending this year’s event.

In the meantime, this is an opportunity for us to demonstrate that Rotary Connects the Worldin innovative ways. We should be closely following the advice of the WHO and local health authorities. Again, this includes canceling Rotary club events and meetings in the short term to reduce unnecessary interactions that could cause infections. We can put a greater emphasis on the work we do in our communities by helping our less fortunate neighbors cope with the effects of isolation and fear, or by supporting our health authorities to address this situation.

We are dealing with this situation in real time. Please visit the rotary.org COVID-19 response page for ongoing updates.

This is an unprecedented challenge for nearly all of us. But it is also an opportunity for Rotarians to find new, meaningful ways to lead individuals and communities to connect and do good in the world.

We have never been prouder to be part of an organization that does so much to protect and strengthen our communities, at home and across the globe.

Kindest regards,

Mark Daniel Maloney
2019-2020, President, Rotary International
Holger Knaack
2020-21, President, Rotary International 


Message from Rotary Presidents 2020-03-15 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor Messages

May 23, 2020
Dear Fellow Rotarians
Today join me in celebrating the life of PDG Keith Koke.
Mr Rotary, as many would come to know him throughout our community, Keith exemplified what Rotary stands for ‘Service Above Self’. Keith and his wife Marty were truly guided through life by living the ‘Four Way Test’.
Keith’s dedication knew no boundaries, whether he was assisting on a National Immunization Day, fundraising for Shelter Box, or travelling countless hours to charter new clubs. The Rotary Club of Livingston Sunrise refer to Keith as the Godfather of their club as Keith travelled from Chatham to Livingston County by 7am every Friday morning for nearly three months. 
Let’s all take a moment to share our thoughts, our memories and share  a moment of silence to hounour PDG Keith Koke ! 
In Prayer  & Peace 
Don Leonard
Rotary Club of Chatham
Past President 2014-2015
District Governor 2019-2020
April 27, 2020
Dear Fellow Rotarians
I just finished a call with Assistant Governor Phil McPeek. Phil wanted me to know that Janet passed away last night.
He asked that I notify the members of District 6380. Phil reminded me of how Janet shared so much love and kindness each day, she was so proud of being a Rotarian, and greatly proud of her time as Governor and the good work our Rotary Foundation. 
Janet’s passing was truly unexpected as she was scheduled to return home later today, even though Janet’s death was not related to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will effect the way we celebrate her wonderful life and offer support to Phil and all of Janet’s extended family.
Rotary has truly lost one of the kindest, gentlest most caring souls as heaven welcomes an angel that leaves behind a legacy of Service Above Self.
Let’s pray together and be thankful, that  we were blessed to have known Janet, I know she assisted me in many ways to be a better person, Rotarian and Governor for our great district.
Don Leonard
Rotary Club of Chatham
Past President 2014-2015
District Governor 2019-2020
April 7, 2020
Dear Fellow Rotarians
I hope this message finds you, your family and all District 6380 members home and in good health. If you are a front line worker, doing your best to keep us safe I applaud you from the bottom of my heart!
A District  COVID-19 Disaster Committee has been formed and they have been actively working on a plan, where we can help our health care workers. We have applied for and received a $25,000.00 Rotary International Disaster Grant, the District has put up an additional $20,000.00. With this seed money we will be purchasing N95 masks to be distributed to hospitals through out our district. Joyce Williams Ann Arbor North has been selected the point person who will prioritize delivery based on recommendations from the Michigan Community Service Commission. The following is a list of hospitals that we are focussing on to start.
Henry Ford
St Joe
Chatham Kent Health Alliance 
Vineet Katial will be handling the purchases as he has an excellent contact in China that will be producing the masks for us and shipping them to Vineet for distribution.
We have set up a special COVID-19 Disaster Fund link, individual clubs and members can assist in providing much needed personal protection equipment to our front line health care workers by clicking here.
Our District is not a 501C3 and therefore we can not issue tax receipts, if you prefer a tax receipt possible donate to your club and they can forward the funds to the district.
To help with this most urgent need now simply click the link below.
Now is the time to give, 

Don Leonard
Rotary Club of Chatham
Past President 2014-2015
District Governor 2019-2020

District Governor Messages 2020-03-12 04:00:00Z 0
Birmingham Rotary Projects 2020-02-21 05:00:00Z 0

More on Upcoming Events

District Celebration, originally scheduled for May 8-9 2020 has been cancelled!
Click on image for more information.
Mount Clemens Rotary Club 100-year Gala Celebration
Rescheduled for August 14. More information to follow.
More on Upcoming Events Peter Tanner 2020-02-14 05:00:00Z 0

Dexter supports Shelter Box

Dexter Rotary and Interact Clubs raise money for Shelter Box

The Interact Club is partnering with the Dexter Rotary Club to raise money to donate to Shelter Box Disaster Relief. Members of the club will be in the lunchroom for the rest of the week accepting donations. People receive one raffle ticket per dollar donated, and prizes include a giant teddy bear, a basket filled with candy, and a $25 Starbucks gift card. Please help out our Interact Club with making a donation.

Dexter supports Shelter Box 2020-02-14 05:00:00Z 0

Livingston for Kenya

Livingston Sunrise Rotary Club

Congratulations to our own Elias Stich, Exchange student from Germany. Elias had a dream to join the Eye Clinic team to Kenya in January. Within a month, he has raised $4800 selling soccer balls, which will go with them for the children in Kenya. Elias is very excited about this trip and opportunity. And very grateful to everyone who helped make it happen. We look forward to hearing all about your great adventure. Way to be a Rotarian Elias!👍

Livingston for Kenya 2020-01-07 05:00:00Z 0
District News - Decemberb 2019 Peter Tanner 2019-12-25 05:00:00Z 0


Rienout von Martels named 2019 Agriculturist for Chatham-Kent
The Ridgetown Rotary Club is extremely proud of member Reinout von Martels for being named the 2019 Agriculturist of the Year, for Chatham-Kent, Ontario. Below is a brief summary of Reinout’s career.
   Reinout began his farming career during a difficult period, the early 1980`s, when high interest rates and poor crops took a toll on everyone including his young family. But they persevered by starting a small seed cleaning business to generate additional income and diversify. Interestingly, Chatham-Kent produced 40% of Canada`s soybean crop during those years. Though extremely difficult, that period provided for a lot of learning, encouraged innovation and strengthened the community of Chatham-Kent farmers.
   At this time also they started conservation tillage. New equipment designs, more research and new herbicides allowed them to become better and more profitable at this. It also allowed farmers to expand their acreages. Reinout was a committee member of the Kent Federation of Agriculture during the 80’s, participating in their meetings and helping to focus on the political challenges affecting many of them at that time.
 The following decade the 1990`s, he gave his time as a committee member to the Kent County Soybean Growers Assoc.  At the same time as his participation with the Soybean Growers Asoc., he was on the board of the Ontario Seed Growers. Reinout was a member of this board since 1993 and served as president in 2000.
  Through being involved with the seed business, he initiated the development of a computer software called “TagIt”. In 1982 he started a small custom seed cleaning business for local farmers. They brought in their soybeans, wheat, oats and barley to be cleaned. This business grew steadily and through it allowed him to become a pedigreed seed producer and ultimately became a “select” grower, one who can multiply seed from a plant breeder.
  This business was expanded in 1996 by forming a new seed company, Southwest Seeds, alongside three other shareholders. Soybeans were processed, packaged and loaded in containers and sent by truck and rail to be shipped to Japan, Malaysia and Singapore.
  Throughout the years since1986, Reinout has been a very active member of the Rotary Club of Ridgetown, holding office many times, including his current position as treasurer (for last 4 years). Rotary is an international service club that helps the community as well as on a national and international level. Our Club helps youth in leadership training, as well as providing support to Rotary International which helps the under privileged and is known internationally for its work towards eradication of polio. Over the years with Rotary, Reinout and his wife hosted seven international exchange students who lived and studied at Ridgetown High School for one academic year.
   Finally, to quote Reinout, “A farmer’s chance for success can be influenced by staying involved in their community and by reaching out to fellow farmers for input and discussion. I have always strived to keep my neighbours close and consider them friends in this ever challenging career of farming.” The Ridgetown Rotary Club would consider that Reinout has embodied the same philosophy during his many years with our club.
Reinout Paul Brown 2019-12-10 05:00:00Z 0


The Novi Rotary Foundation, hosted the Holiday Senior Luncheon
It's official! The big guy said I was "NICE" all year! No take backs!! 😇The Novi Rotary Foundation, hosted the Holiday Senior Luncheon @Novi Middle School on Dec 5. Over 75 guest were treated to 7th and 8th graders performing holiday songs of cheer. Special thanks to City of Novi Derek S., Novi School District Darby H. Chartwells Evol G. & Staff. Thank you all the student servers and NCSD transportation, gift bag doners Chris S. Of State Farm, Kelly H. Of Diversified Members CU and John O. of O'Brien & Sullivan Funeral Home and Kat D. of National Food Group, the Novi Rotaty Club President, Bev L., And everyone who work to make this event a success year after year. And a loving thank you to the Rock Star of the event SANTA!
SeniorLunch Tia Marie Sanders 2019-12-09 05:00:00Z 0


In August, Rotary Club members visited many villages and schools in remote NW Guatemala to see the work being done at Casa Colibrí and see the RACHEL WiFi literacy project in action. The group put together a photo 2020 calendar to chronicle the visit.  Copies are available for $20 Cdn or $15 US.  If Sparky is visiting your club in the next while - email him to request that he bring calendars.  Otherwise, please send your order, accompanied by your address and a cheque made out to the Rotary Club of Chatham to:
Guatemala Calendars
Chatham-Kent Public Library
120 Queen St.
Chatham, ON
N7M 2G6
All proceeds will go to further work in Guatemala.
Calendar Peter Tanner 2019-12-03 05:00:00Z 0

District News November 2019

Dresden Seniors Dinner

Color Purple

Click on the above image to read about the new ways that the Ann Arbor club is using to raise money for Polio.

Virginia "Ginger" Nickloy-Coxeter

One of the first women in Rotary
Passed away on Nov 12
Click on Image to access obituary
Peace in The Streets
Click on image for post-event press release
District News November 2019 Peter Tanner 2019-11-03 04:00:00Z 0

District News - October 2019

Rotary Club of Mount Clemens
Wine and Cheese Party
to kick off 100th Year Anniversary (see above)
Ann Arbor
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
The Rotary Club of Ann Arbor is a major sponsor, and supporter with volunteers, of the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Tax program operated with the United Way of Washtenaw County.  Click the image for a slide presentation of our results from last year:
District News - October 2019 2019-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

Tour de Livingston

Howell Rotary's Event of the year- 11th Annual Tour de Livingston 
The Tour de Livingston ride provides an opportunity for our riders to enjoy outstanding fall colors during the peak color season in southeast Michigan. This fully supported ride includes hospitality tents, a full breakfast, snacks along the route, and a hearty meal prepared by the chef at Mt. Brighton. All proceeds from this event help to: bridge the gap for local hardworking families struggling to meet their most basic needs; prepare every child to be ready for success; and build a healthy community for all residents via the Livingston County United Way Basic Needs Programs.  Since its start in 2008, the Tour de Livingston has raised over $250,000 to address the community’s most critical needs!
Click here for Photo Album
Tour de Livingston Heather Aeschliman 2019-10-06 04:00:00Z 0

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Fallen Soufflé
Click on image to download full pdf poster.
Sherlock Holmes Anne Nauts 2019-09-19 04:00:00Z 0
District News - September 2019 Peter Tanner 2019-09-15 04:00:00Z 0
Cruising Eric Tindall 2019-09-15 04:00:00Z 0
RYLA 2020 Jim Adams 2019-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

Get "The Amazing Power of Story," Sept 14; Fantastic life skill!

Posted on Aug 29, 2019
story thumbnail
The ability to tell a story is perhaps one life’s most useful skills.
Attend The Amazing Power of Story, featuring international author and speaker, Michael Angelo Caruso and a fun BBQ, Saturday, September 14 from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm at Concordia University in Ann Arbor. 
Register now!
Stories are certainly a great way to gain members, raise more money and get attention for Rotary.  
Register today!  $20 gets you breakfast beverages and a BBQ meal after the program!
Get "The Amazing Power of Story," Sept 14; Fantastic life skill! Michael Caruso 2019-08-29 04:00:00Z 0 ORS,One Rotary Summit,story,training

Cajun Seafood Festival

Lake Orion Sunrise Hosts 3rd Annual Cajun Seafood Festival
The Lake Orion Sunrise Rotary Club hosted its 3rd annual Cajun Seafood Festival on Saturday, August 10 to for our club’s international project with the La Casa del Nino-Napoleon Franco Pareja Children’s Hospital in Cartagena, Colombia.
The Children’s Hospital is a free hospital to the children of Colombia and operates through donations. The story was shared with our club after a visit by two of our members Monica Navarro-Vezina and Marc Vezina several years ago. Monica is from Colombia and from the area where the Hospital is located.
The idea of the Cajun Seafood Festival began three years ago after Marc’s homemade jambalaya appeared during our winter Ice Golf event. A native of Louisiana and semi-retired self-proclaimed vice rear admiral of the Cajun Navy, Marc decided to kick off a good ole Cajun Seafood Boil to raise awareness of the Children’s Hospital. Crawfish, shrimp, jambalaya, key lime pie and bourbon pecan squares were a few of the delicious items served throughout the day.
Local bluesman and funky daddy (allegedly on parole from Jackson State penitentiary) Tino Gross was on hand this year providing the entertainment. He strummed some hot licks primarily due to the two bee stings he had while setting up. It was a venomous performance! Poolside chats, swimming and various lawn games provided the spirit of Rotary for our family and friends. With well north of 100 guests and raising thousands for the Hospital, our Annual Fest continues to grow; all
Cajun Seafood Festival Barkley Pierce 2019-08-20 04:00:00Z 0

Golf Outing

Golf  Outing - Warren
 will be Friday  September 27,  2019 at Maple Lane Golf Course (14 Mile at Maple Lane) $85.00 per golfer
Registration and sponsorship forms are here:
Golf Outing Karen Joyce 2019-08-18 04:00:00Z 0

RCAA Satellite Update

Ann Arbor Golf and Tennis Outing
The RCAA Satellite is now meeting in the Victors Room at the Pretzel Bell. We have three individuals committed to the Satellite, our goal is to establish the Satellite with 10 members.

Click on image for more info

RCAA Satellite Update Lauren Heinonen 2019-08-18 04:00:00Z 0

Peace in the Streets

Ann Arbor Golf and Tennis Outing
The Wayne State University Center for Peace & Conflict Studies and the Rotary Clubs of Detroit, Ann Arbor, & Windsor 1918 invite you to Peace in the Streets on Oct. 25-26, 2019. This Cross Border Rotary Peace Symposium will take place in Detroit on Friday Oct 25th and in Windsor on Saturday Oct 26, with both days filled with engaging speakers on conflict and peace.

Click on image for more info

Peace in the Streets Lauren Heinonen 2019-08-18 04:00:00Z 0

Golf and Tennis

Ann Arbor Golf and Tennis Outing

The Ann Arbor Rotary Club’s signature fundraiser is the annual Golf and Tennis Outing (GTO). This year’s event takes place on Monday, September 9, 2019 at the Travis Pointe Country Club, 2829 Travis Pointe Road, Ann Arbor, MI.

Registration and lunch precedes a noon Shotgun Start that sends golfers on their way. Tennis will run in the afternoon, too. Then comes cocktails and plenty of time to bid on the Silent Auction items before dinner begins, followed by fabulous entertainment!  This is our major fund-raiser and a great spirit-booster, too!

Click on image for more info

Golf and Tennis Lauren Heinonen 2019-08-18 04:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day Community Fund Raiser

World Polio Day Community Fund Raiser
On Wednesday, October 23, 2019 we are celebrating World Polio Day by holding a community polio fundraiser. We will be hosting special guest speakers Ann Lee Hussey, champion of polio eradication and polio survivor herself, and our very own District 6380 Governor Don “Sparky” Leonard.
Click on image for more information.
World Polio Day Community Fund Raiser  Lauren Heinonen 2019-08-17 04:00:00Z 0

Power of Story

Learn the Power of Story with PDG Michael
This year's One Rotary Summit event features guest speaker and Past District Governor, Michael Caruso, who will help us develop powerful signature stories.  

Stories, as you know, are a fantastic way to grow your club, raise more money and get attention for Rotary.  Stories can make any presentation better, so if you or your spouse/partner do talks for work, you don't want to miss this valuable session.  
One Rotary Summit is Saturday, September 14 at Concordia University in Ann Arbor from 8:30 am until 2:30 pm and includes a picnic-style BBQ lunch.

Get more info and register now at https://rotary6380.org/event/one-rotary-summit-1/

The ability to tell a story is perhaps one life’s most useful skills.  Stories are certainly a great way to retain members and gain new Rotarians.

Smart leaders use stories to motivate team members and inspire high performance.  Savvy salespeople tell stories to encourage prospects to become customers.  Parents use stories to inspire good behavior from their children.

Yet, most people don’t really know how to tell a story.

The creation of a powerful narrative cannot be ad-libbed, but it can be shaped and sculpted, especially if you are familiar with the narrative essentials.

International author and speaker (and our D6380 Governor in 2016-17), Michael Angelo Caruso, will show us how to use the power of narrative in Rotary, at work and at home.  Watch a short video of Michael's storytelling style at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zHpgCtx5m0   

At this unique One Rotary Summit event, you'll have tons of fun as you sharpen your story-telling skills and learn how to:
  • Stage and frame the story
  • Learn to pick up signals that people are ready for your story
  • Grow your Rotary club
  • Develop a flair for storytelling
  • Establish (and deliver) positive expectations
  • Master the two-minute "signature story"
  • Customize your story for each of the four main personality styles
  • Raise more money
  • Read your audience better
  • Stay on message
  • Get people to act on your story such as attend an event or join your club
  • Increase fundraising
  • Get a promotion at work
Get the power of story on Saturday morning, September 14 in Ann Arbor.  

$20 gets you breakfast beverages and a barbecue meal after the program!
We'll see you there!
Power of Story Michael Caruso 2019-08-17 04:00:00Z 0

District News August 2019

Click on images for more details!
Casa ColibrÍ Annual Report released
Golf Outing - Warren
Cajun Seafood Festival
World Polio Day Community Fundraiser - Ann Arbor
Peace in the Streets
RCAA Satellite Update
The Troy Rotary Foodies ‘N’ Fun cookbook filled to the brim with the best recipes from the best chefs in our community - and we need your favorite recipes!
Click on the image for the form and more information
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the Rochester Rotary annual charity Golf Outing to benefit Mental and Emotional Health Service Initiative led by the Rochester Community Schools Foundation and other local Health Service Organizations. 
Mental health is a growing and under-served need both across the nation and in our own community. Depression and anxiety are epidemic among our youth and teen suicide is on the rise. Help us fight back and provide the resources they need to grow up healthy in mind and body.
Not a golfer? Become a HOLE SPONSOR! There is only 6,745 yards of fairway to display the Hole Sponsor signs. So, please sign up quickly because space is limited!!! 
Online registration with credit card option can be found at: 
An amazing group of ambassadors from D6380; SE Michigan and SW Ontario getting ready to return to  Mexico, Taiwan, Germany, France, Ecuador, Brazil, Thailand and South Korea
District News August 2019 Peter Tanner 2019-08-15 04:00:00Z 0

District News July 2019

District Governor-Elect Sparky Leonard gives Paul Harris Award at Retro Fest
Opening of Dempsey-MacArthur Park Kayak Launch
Global Grant in Place for Sierra Leone
District News July 2019 Peter Tanner 2019-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

Sierra Leone

$142,000 Rotary International Global Grant Propels Chiefdom To Grow Its Future
All of the funding for the Rotary International Global
Grant ($142,030) is now in the account of the Freetown
Rotary Club. A site visit has been conducted by Rotarian
Theodora Wilkinson of the Freetown Rotary Club and
transfers are being made to the implementing
organization, the Center for Community Empowerment
and Transformation (CCET).
A total of 60 acres of orchards with 4000
fruit trees will be developed through the two Rotary grants,
as well as a tree nursery, a watering system and storehouse.
In three to five years, the orchards will provide long-term fruit income for education and hospital medical care for
Bumpeh Chiefdom’s 40,000 mostly illiterate residents.

Some 260 subsistence-level women farmers can double their incomes by growing peanuts with supplies they receive from
the project. How can something as seemingly small as $50 for a bale of peanut seed and a drying tarp impact the
women? The spokeswoman for recent participants said it best, “Indeed, our lives have been transformed.”
Click on the photo for further information.
Sierra Leone Mary Avrakotos 2019-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

Kayak Launch Opening

Opening of Dempsey-MacArthur Park Kayak Launch
Members of the Mount Clemens Rotary Club attended the recent opening of the Neil E. Dempsey-MacArthur Park Kayak Launch located behind the Family YMCA – directed by club member Steve Krankota – at 6 North River Road, Mount Clemens, on the Clinton River.

Club member and retired managing editor of The Macomb Daily Ken Kish wrote: “Neil Dempsey was a longtime member of the Mount Clemens Rotary Club and a former president. When he passed away on Aug. 9, 2016, he asked that donations be made for the facility. More than $60,000 was donated with Rotarians leading the way with an estimated $5,000. Speakers at the event included Emily Moran, from the Clinton River Watershed Council, which will oversee operations at the launch; Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel, our own immediate past president Larry Neal, and Barb Dempsey, the wife of Neil and longtime mayor of Mount Clemens. Mayor Dempsey mentioned that Rotary was an important part of Neil’s community service, which included coaching youth sports and participating in many Mount Clemens city committees. It was, quite simply, an honor well deserved for a great man and a Rotarian who lived by ‘The Four-Way Test’.”

The launch is accessible to people with disabilities. Larry Neal said he could take his (now deceased) mother, who was an amputee, to the area to enjoy. The launch is part of WaterTowns, a community development initiative created in 2013 by the Clinton River Watershed Council which has committed itself to creating 12 such launches by 2020. The launch cost $160,000. The Mount Clemens Rotary Foundation was one of the key donors
Kayak Launch Opening Linda May 2019-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor's 2018-2019 Year

What a year it's been!
After going to the 2012 Rotary International Convention in Thailand, I decided that I wanted to be more involved in Rotary.  I became an assistant governor and realized how little I knew about other Clubs and the District.  Time to learn, connect and listen.  Serving Milan, Ann Arbor North, Saline and the newly formed Ann Arbor West club opened new horizons.  They adopted me as one of their members as I acted as a conduit for the Governor.   I had the privilege to meet the District team and learn about: Foundation, membership, AG's, youth and the Canadian side of the District. 
In late 2015, my club (Brighton) nominated me to run for District Governor.  After the interview, Barry Fraser was to be the District Governor Nominee Designate, not me.  Disappointment soon turned into determination to work on improving myself and increase involvement in the District.  The next year, I was again nominated by my club and after the interview, was selected to be the Governor Nominee Designate for 2018-2019.
For the next two years Barry Fraser and I worked closely together.  We have different styles which strengthen both of us.  January 2018 was International Assembly in San Diego – the final Rotary International training to be the next Governor.  A week of intensive training, meeting Rotarians from around the world and getting ready for the coming year.
As I look back and reflect on this past Rotary year, I recall the many opportunities I was able to be a part of:  visiting numerous clubs and their projects; signing the charter for the newest district club (Motorcycling Rotarians e-club); inducing new members, recognizing Paul Harris Fellows and Major Donors; introducing a past Rotary International Vice President (Jennifer Jones); interviewing and recommending candidates for the Peace Center programs; and approving District and Global grant projects.
Change is the only thing that is constant.  Rotary Leadership, at the International and District level, changes every year.  New ideas come with new leadership.  Don ‘Sparky’ Leonard and his team will do it differently, as they should.  It’s going to be an exciting year with Sparky’s leadership.  Embrace the changes so Rotary can grow. 
Remember to get your ASK in Gear, keep 'Being the Inspiration' so that Rotary can Connect the World.
Thank you for your friendship, ‘Being my Inspiration’ and a year full of awesome memories.  It was an Honor and a Privilege to Service you as District Governor during 2018-2019
District Governor's 2018-2019 Year Jane McManus 2019-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Nepal Sanitation and Pond Rejuvenation

Dear Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North Board and D6380 Rotarians:
I am sharing a nice note I received earlier today about great progress made on the Nepal Sanitation and Pond Rejuvenation Global Grant Project 1635112 that our club leads with RC Bungamati (near Kathmandu in Nepal) and RC Singapore.
The Bungamati Rotary Club has almost completed planned repairs and rebuilding of girls toilets in 3 schools damaged by the 2015 earthquake. A fourth school identified on our Grant project was beyond repair and was demolished, so the host Club has found another school in the area for upgrading sanitation amenities for girls. These are much needed for enhancing the literacy of females in a country like Nepal where trafficking of girls and women is rampant and often tragic.
RC Bungamati President Mrs Rajani Shrestha phoned me a couple of days ago to give a verbal update. I apologized to her for change in our site tour plans this early May (when they were so excited to host and had expected our presence) to inaugurate the newly repaired community pond. I am sorry for one reason or another, this hasn’t worked out...yet.
Do click on the TRF link below to see some description of the project and also photos of their progress.
I assured President Rajani we will surely bring an RCAAN team out to Nepal on September 15-23 (mark your calendars!) when RC Singapore also plans a larger tour of several other Global Grant projects they oversee.
Best regards,
Manish Mehta, Ph.D.
Chair of Project Dignity Committee &
Director of International Service at
Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North (D6380), USA
Tel: +1-734-604-7989, manimehta@gmail.com
View the 2016 Project Dignity video at 
Nepal Sanitation and Pond Rejuvenation Manish Mehta 2019-06-01 04:00:00Z 0

District News June 2019

District Conference Mental Health Panel Video(s)
Governor Jane and DGE Sparky in Jail!
Exchange Host Appreciation Day at Oakland University 
Nepal Sanitation and Pond Rejuvenation
Global Grant Project 1635112 (Ann Arbor North)
District News June 2019 Michael McManus 2019-06-01 04:00:00Z 0

Club News June 2019

Ann Arbor Rotary - Habitat for Humanity
Rochester Rotary Honors New
Arch Klumph Society Member
Ann Arbor Rotary - Dr. Butter / Food Drive
Lakes Area Rotary - Humanity in Action
Ann Arbor West - Diaper Drive
Mt. Clemens Cabaret and Cuisine - What Fun!
Ann Arbor West - Project Uplift - Vietnam
Dexter - Providing Fresh Produce to Families
Troy - Wyatt Lucas Award
Ypsilanti - Mental Health First Aid
Brighton Rotary "Top of the Mountain Dash or Crash"
Leaping, mudding, climbing, sudsing. sliding 5k
Troy Rotary Partners with Business,
RSD for Buddy Bench Project
Mt. Clemens Rotary Cleanup
Club News June 2019 Peter Tanner 2019-06-01 04:00:00Z 0

Mt. Clemens Rotary Cleanup

Mount Clemens Rotary members, family members, and members of the club-sponsored Interact Club of the Utica Academy of International Studies spent a breezy cold spring day recently cleaning up one of Mount Clemens' most interesting parks adjacent to the YMCA which features the Jack Prescott Arboretum and a vast variety of trees. The club is actively planning a celebration for its 100th year of service in 2020.